Wednesday, January 28, 2015

America Needs More Heroes Like Chis Kyle, Will You Join Him ?

America Needs More Heroes Like Chis Kyle, Will You Join Him ?

Is there really a need to express how badly America needs heroes at this time ? Apparently so. It is so wonderful that a movie was made regarding the heroic acts of Chris Kyle during the war in Iraq. Record amounts of money were recently spent by Americans to see the movie “America Sniper” and I firmly believe that the record number of Americans viewing the move, just proves my point how hungry for more heroes just like Chris we are in desperately in need of here in the USA. An important question arises though about all that “hunger for heroes”---are Americans really willing to step up and do the things that Chris Kyle did in Iraq, right here in America so that our nation will rise back up and fight against the massive amount of Government tyranny and moral decay we presently suffer ?

Don't get me wrong, movies are nice, make you feel good but in the schemes of getting our nation back, “American Sniper” has no real impact on getting rid of the sad state our nation is dying from. Oh yes, some will say that there are already heroes unseen by the general public view and already hard at work trying to restore our Republic. This is true, the red, white and blue Patriots that came to help the Cliven Ranch in Nevada last summer comes to mind. The honest truth however is that there are not enough Godly men and women in militias or in other organizations making a big enough dent in pushing back all the evil we experience here in the USA, to make a real difference.

Going beyond our “civic duty to vote” is now necessary to get America back on it's feet. Once again, and as usual, our last election cycle proves this point. Elections did nothing to make any real and or concrete changes in our nation. In fact, the same kind of politicians were either elected or re-elected on Election Day, 2014. Practically every Senator and Congressman were elected/re-elected from the “Good ol' boy's club” where campaign promises are made and lobbyists in Washington DC dictate what laws are passed or not passed. Aren't you just sick of all the lies, propaganda and political rhetoric from both Democrats and Republicans alike ? I know that I am.

America needs real and strong leadership. We need to hear and see with action from men and women that are brave, are sincere, are willing to go above and beyond the voting booth. The time for sacrifice to get America back is long past due. I am blessed to be part of the Black Robe Regiment, a local Tea Party, a person who is already stretched every part of my being as well as what little I own to help make America return to God, family and moral values once again. Are you ? Will you give up the comfy chair, even your electronic devices to assist in seeing America in being free from tyranny again ?

This article is no small pep talk, or “rambling rant” that I am sharing here. I see the very end of this nation coming very soon. Economic and moral collapse is already occurring despite what the Michael Moore's, Obama's, Boehner's and other evilists tell you.When this nation does finally collapse, you can fully expect martial law and what is left of your Constitutional Rights to be shredded and will all be certainly gone forever. You think maters in America are bad now ? Ha ! Just wait and allow the continued attitude of apathy, business as usual and “continue to carry that attitude of “I will care when it happens to me”, ya, just wait and see what happens to you !.

Indeed, we desperately need heroes here in the USA. Are you one ? Real and Godly men do not need to be manipulated nor bribed to do what is right before the Lord and fight for the rights that He bestowed upon them, but for those yet unsure what your decision is, you simply need to get some “grapes.” Go get them back from your wife or whoever took them from you in the first place. Stop procrastinating, stop having your apathetic and selfish attitude. The Government and terrorists are relying on you to keep those evil attitudes. While you some of you still sit there in your comfy chair posting happy pictures on social media sites, getting drunk and or ignoring the problems and people that take away your God given freedoms, know this, ISIS terrorists are teaching children how to shoot AK-47's to kill you and your family off. If that wasn't bad enough, your very own US Government is at the same time militarizing it's Federal Law Enforcement agencies and as well helping State Agencies to do the same. Why and how are they able to do this you ask ? The answer is simple my friend--- many Americans have sat back while evil is allowed to grow here unharassed. If evil is allowed to continue and not stopped, your rights, money and children/grandchildren, like other Americans,  will be taken. That's right, you read me correctly, I mentioned “taking children and grandchildren.” Human and sex trafficking via ISIS Terrorists Government agencies in America are in the same business of kidnapping children, enslaving and selling them. You're tax dollars are paying for it and you and your children are being targeted right now in Government schools !

Heroes, we need them and we need them now. God bless what Chris Kyle did for us and our freedoms. Now it's your turn. It's time to pay back the heroes that went before you and sacrificed their lives for your freedoms. What are you going to do about it ? Are you are hero, or are you a zero ? Enlist now to fight against satan's army of tyrants and terrorists.

Leviticus 26:7-8 “ But you will chase your enemies and they will fall before you by the sword...”

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

Please Help Feed And Bless Poor Children Here....

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

“ Teaching Christian Millennials To Avoid Shinny Things”

“ Teaching Christian Millennials To Avoid Shinny Things”

I have a great deal of concern for many of the next generation coming up here in America. Often times, they refer to themselves as “Millennials” and I suppose there are other terms or names that others may call them, but in any event, I am greatly concerned for them and especially their spiritual walk with Jesus of the Bible. Generally, Millennials have been left a legacy of a Jesus other than who is in the Bible and have allowed themselves also to be greatly distracted by culture. Please allow me to explain why....

Gadgets are distracting, Everywhere you look, practically every Millennials have something plugged in their ears, their eyes fixated on a computer, phone, tablet or other type of electronic device. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with technology. In fact technology is wonderful thing when used at the proper time and place. Unfortunately though, many Millennials treat their gadgets as if they were married to the dern things ! I'm not kidding. Personal and interpersonal relationships suffer greatly when anyone focuses so much of their time and attention on objects rather than on people such as what many Millennials do. In the church, I see many, not just Millennials using their Android phones and tablets to read Bible Scripture when the pastor or someone in the pulpit is preaching and or teaching. There is nothing wrong with that. I personally choose to be old fashioned I guess, and use a Bible in paper form, however one wants to read the Bible, that's on them. Again however, electronic gadgets can be misused. Don't tell me Millennials(and some older folks as well) don't get tired, bored and distracted and slip in and out of their Facebook Accounts during church services Let's be honest here, it's probably a good idea to leave those gadgets home rather than bringing them to church services.

Is that a worship team, or is that a rock band ?, In the last twenty years or so, I have visited, preached at and or shared at many churches across America. I can't always say I was blessed to be in every church for one reason or another. What disturbs my spirit in the churches I was invited to or visited were the church buildings with ceilings and or walls painted black. And when the “worship team” was doing their thing, on came all sorts of bright flashing lights, colorful lasers zooming all about and noises from those singing on the church building platform(or should I say stage?). I was taught and have seen the great Biblical fruit of worshiping Jesus without those lights, lasers and words that have no meaning (like “whoa”, “La La”, etc...). I usually see these sort of “shinny things” in the so called “Hipster Churches” such as those associated with Hillsong, some in the Assemblies of God and other Pentecostal “denominations.” OK, so by now, you may be saying by that I'm getting a bit legalistic here, but how do you account for thousands of Chinese, Vietnamese and other Christians outside the USA who during their church services choose not to have such types of distracting entertainment in their churches, but instead , because of their true love for Jesus, not entertainment, during their worship time you find them prostrated on their knees, weeping and crying out to Jesus and are absolutely able to be blessed with the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of their true worship results in their live for Jesus as seen in their daily walk with Him, not just on Sundays. These real Christians although are threatened with arrest and or torture by their governments, live without fear or oppression and in fact, joy in the presence of danger and see real miracles such as Jesus raising the dead in their presence. Rarely will you find that kind of church service and faith-walk with Jesus among Americans. In America, many Millennials have grown up to believe that church is all about being entertained, not about total submission to Jesus and the cross as believers outside the USA do(Luke 9:23) and rarely ever get beyond emotionalism.

Revival without repentance, This unbiblical belief has swept many Churches across America. One could easily blame the Baby Boomer Generation for starting that ungodly practice. Whatever generation is at fault, the problem we have now is that the unbiblical belief that “revival without repentance” has bled into the Millennial Generation now. America and indeed the world is now filled with false teachers and so called “prophets” who go about espousing that they have “the anointing of the Holy Spirit” and tell church folks that they can be “filled also.” There's no mention from them of Jesus, no mention of the Cross of Christ and following(only) Him, and no mention either of the Biblical need to repent of one's sins. I'm going to say something very strong here, and I certainly mean every word I say...what I am stating is not meant to harm anyone but I would tell all of you, do not let these so called “Holy Spirit Revivalists” ever touch you, or pray over you. If they do not mention in their words, sermons or preaching that people are sinner's and need to repent to receive Jesus, or to that “repentance” is not part of anything they “preach”, avoid them like the plaque. These people are nothing but money hungry charlatans.

Hearing preachers and “spitting out the bones”, My beautiful wife and I recently had several meetings with a local pastor near where we live. In all appearances he loves people, he wants to believe the best for all and indications are, that he loves Jesus with a deep compassion. Those are all great and wonderful, Biblical characteristics to have. He said one thing to my wife and I though regarding another world wide known preacher/evangelist he knows, he mentioned to us that at one point in first knowing that evangelist, he “had doubts” about her “but got to personally know her” and “now chews the meat and spits out the bones” when he hears her preach and teach. I have heard that phrase(a metaphor regarding spitting out bad or deeply erred Bible teaching) for years now. In fact, I vaguely remember sitting down with my good friend Jim years ago and asking him about such matters. Jim knew I was a baby in the Lord at the time and was very patient with my questions, but towards the end of our discussion regarding those who state they “eat the meat and spit out the bones”, Jim agreed with me that interpreting and receiving God's Word that way is a very damaging way to get “fed” because the believer in Christ can get easily confused and even end up in a religious cult if they are not seriously grounded in the Word of God. My fear for Millennials is that there are so many “bones” being preached and taught in churches today, that Millennials will only end-up bringing up their own children to believe in matters that are even more sacrilegious and unbiblical than what we currently see now.

There's plenty of blame to go around for the “shinny things” Christian Millennials do, speak and act. The time of blame is over and the need for true Biblical teachings and values is past due.

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Sheldon Silver Is Not The Only Corrupted Politician Needing To Be Arrested in N.Y.

Sheldon Silver Is Not The Only Corrupted Politician Needing To Be Arrested in N.Y.

Finally, a little justice in New York State. After years of “in your face” and partcipation in corruption, NYS Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver was arrested.

As a victim of corrupted politicians, judges, lawyers, cops, and others who helped an Illegal Alien/ Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer in Batavia, NY(that you are paying thousands of your hard earned tax dollars to every year), I can say for a emphatically and without any hesitation that New York State is the most corrupted State in the Union. Who am I to make such a statement you may ask? Well, in the scheme of all things in life, my opinion probably doesn't matter much to you, but I know that US Attorney Preet Bharara told " a new state commission Tuesday that corruption in New York politics has created a “show-me-the-money culture” that’s permeating state and local officials, both Democrats and Republicans, and has reached intolerable proportions.”

As if Bharara's statements regarding the level's of corruption throughout New York State is not enough, there are many more attorneys within New York State who would whole heartily agree with him as well. If the New York press will not pay attention to the many attorneys within NY that have been disbarred for exposing corrupted politicians, is it any surprise that corruption is thus enabled and now overflows in New York's Judiciary as well ? Look at the high number of attorneys in NY that have also been disbarred for exposing the hundreds of corrupted judges and lawyers there as well. Only those connected to the massive corrupted politicians and judiciary within NY would ever defend such corrupted individuals.

Here's what's going on at the time of writing this article, unless you are either well connected politically or have almost an unlimited financial resources, there is little help for those seeking justice within New York State. As the FBI recently investigated one judge for violating Federal Human Trafficking Laws, that is only the tip of the iceberg as the say. There are hundreds of State Supreme Court and Family Court Judges within New York who also have (and currently without interference)trafficked thousands and thousands of children. Why do these judges do it ? Mostly because of the large amount of cash given to them to sell those children. Whether the source of such funding to corrupted judges are from the Billions of Dollars of Federal Title IV dollars, Violence Against Women Act funding, or State Tax Dollars, or the many bribes from attorneys or even lawyer's clients to judges (such as Foster Care and Adoption Agencies)“political campaigns”, it matters not. The bottom line is this, millions of current and former New York State Residents have had their children and families purposely destroyed all for the sake of "cash" and no one is stopping them.

When will the arrests come for these corrupted judges, lawyers, politicians and those like them eployed in "public service" ? When will the FBI arrest Cuomo, the Governor of New York State ? He is the one of the most corrupted and who set up his fraudulent “Moreland Corruption Commission” and discontinued that Commission in the middle of it's investigations. I was informed by that very same commission that an investigator would contact me regarding my case because of  my life being  threatened by a City of Batavia, NY cop via corrupted judges and lawyers protecting a Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer, but was never contacted. Up to now, the answer to the publicly well known fact (for many years)that New York is the most corrupted State in the Union, has been the millions of it's residents to leave New York. Folks have largely given up trying to clean-up and bring about change to NY because they ended-up only being disappointed to find out their efforts were all in vain. They found out the hard way that corrupted politicians such as Andrew Cuomo, State Senator Michael Ranzenhoefer and Assemblyman Steve Hawley as well as corrupted judges and lawyers; Robert Noonan, Tracey Bannister, Julie Falvey, Lawrence Friedman, and Donna Haslinger can violate laws, even have a law enforcement officials threaten to murder New York State Citizens, and get away with it.

Indeed, Sheldon Silver should be the first of many more arrests to soon occur within NYS. There are many more arrests in New York State that need to take place, beginning in and around Genesee County, NY. Forget about arresting the petty thieves in NY. Those that need to be immediately arrested are the  real thieves, rapists and murderers such as the many(not all) that call themselves “Judges”, “Lawyers”, Legislators”, “Politicians” and “Police Officers” within New York State.

Where's justice for my children and I ?? 
 To my children, I love and miss you so very much !
May the Lord grant us our justice and favor with those who will help us in our quest for justice.

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Will Americans Who Love The USA Please Stand Up

Will Americans Who Love The USA Please Stand Up

No, seriously, stand up... I can't see you and neither can your fellow Americans already in the fight to save this nation.

America is in deep trouble. In a few short weeks, Mr. Obama and his Federal Government friends as well as their fellow corrupted law enforcement helpers are going to officially make a determination as to, just who qualifies as an extremist and who also qualifies someone to be a terrorist. Should this concern you ? It certainly should if you love your God given rights and liberty's. You may very well end up on the "bad guy" list when in actuality, you are the "good guy" in this whole mess.

Really, how concerned should you be ? Let's put it this way, remember when Paul Revere along with several other fellow Patriots took action and in 1775, rode horseback to towns warning that the British were invading. Ya, that kind of serious. American History revisionists will not admit this, but Paul Revere was not riding and putting his life in danger just to warn other Patriots that the British Army was coming, but also to let the same Patriots he was warning, know it was time for them to grab their muskets(weapons) and prepare for battle. The article I am writing here should carry the same weight and warning that Revere gave to the Patriot Colonists of his time.

Let's look at s few of the reality's this nation presently suffers---despite the recent and overwhelming change in the Congress with newly elected Republican Party majority, those same Republicans have done nothing but play the same political games they promised they would not participate in if elected and or re-elected. Like Paul Revere, I tried to warn fellow Americans well before Election Day, 2014 that not much of anything good would come out of electing Republicans rather than those who belong to the Democratic Party. I was correct when I shared that John Boenher and Mitch McConnell would compromise with evil(Obama and the Democrats)rather than do what we wanted them to do. I was correct also when I informed everyone that the newly elected Republicans in Congress would state one thing, but do another. In fact, today as I write this article, it is the 42nd Anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade. Sixty Million dead babies later, today(the date I am writing this article)Republicans had a chance to end late term abortions through a brand new Bill being recommended to Congress by some Republican Members of Congress, but because of some demonic female Republican House Members and others, that Bill to end late term abortions was killed as well.

Clearly, no sane person can state that politics in America can or will help this nation. The fruit of the Republicans in Congress is the same as their partners in crime, the Democrats. Not just about Republicans lying about ending late term abortions, but the many years of lies coming from both Democrats as well as Republicans tells us that America is at it's near end. You see, “ We The People”(not I) elected these liars and hooligans. So what are Americans going to now do about this inconvenient truth that all our Government has betrayed us and is looking to further destroy you? I mean, evil and illegal activity is right there in your face is it not?. Doesn't evil and the Government do what it want's without consequence from you, the electorate ? Just a few short days ago, Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States had an Illegal Alien sit near her at the President's State of the Union Address. Why no arrests of those breaking our Immigration Laws ? I mean how much open evil are Americans willing to tolerate ? This is America today---many cops don't arrest real criminals but instead, harass and shoot innocent citizens everyday and the majority of Americans sit on their hands and do nothing about such outrageous and blatantly illegal activities on the part of our Government and their "law enforcement" protectors.

Let's be honest, the IRS, ATF, EPA, Homeland Security, many “law enforcement” agencies harass those who oppose theses agencies when using bullying tactics. So when will Americans take what is probably their very last chance at making a real stand against Government sponsored evil and bullying actions against them ? It was just several days ago when Former Governor Mike Huckabee said very openly and publicly on FNC that “To deal with a school house bully, you put you put your fist in his face, and his butt on the ground.” Whether you like Huckabee personally or not, is inconsequential. What Huckabee shared regarding bullying is absolutely 100% correct and true. Let's be honest with ourselves(do you have the ability to do so?), no whining, pissing, moaning or complaining on social media will do one dern thing to get this nation back and ridding permanently those Government sponsored liars and terrorists. That said, knocking a bully to his butt to the ground will.

As a former Internationally Credentialed Alcoholism And Substance Abuse Counselor for many years, I've seen many men and women who when caught in their addictions or doing something illegal to support their addiction, literally cry then beg for help, but they only cried because and asked for help when they were caught and confronted. Unfortunately though when “the heat” was off of them, that is family, the law, employers and others stopped putting the pressure on those addicts/alcoholics to quit their chemical use, many admitted they really didn't want help in the first place, they just wanted to cry and manipulate to get out of the trouble that they were in.  It's a similar response of many Americans today, they say they want help on places like social media, but when asked to join in the action to get their freedoms back, those same whining Americans who demand their liberty's, are no where to be found when asked to partake in action to remove Government tyranny.

I mean how much open evil are Americans willing to tolerate ? Law Enforcement officials are not arresting the real criminals but instead are increasingly helping corrupted Government agents like judges, lawyers, Domestic Violence program workers, Child Protection Workers take that purposely and illegally take away children from parents who home school their children and also dads who use mineral supplements How crazy and insane do things need to get in the USA before Americans get upset enough to go after evil and remove it ? The Government is already assaulting your God given rights. on a daily basis. As I mentioned in this article earlier,  they plan on taking many more away from you. In fact, some of you will also soon lose your children to the terroristic efforts of Child Protection Services and their evil minions because the US and it's State Government's will officially label you a “terrorist” and or “extremist.” What are your plans and actions being taken to stop them ? You need to take a stand, immediately.

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”~ Ben Franklin

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Can This Black Witch Really Put A Curse On White Folks ?

Can This Black Witch Really Put A Curse On White Folks ?

I have never heard of a Rapper named Azealia Banks. That is probably due to me not listening to Rap music. Some may have heard of her, I'm not sure if she is popular or not in the music industry which is not really the point of my article however. This article is however to discuss her very recent statement that she will utilize witchcraft to “sicken and kill white folks.”

Let's be honest, at the very least Miss Banks is a racist. Most who read my article to this point and are totally honest will agree with me. Beyond that, I will add that she is a self-admitted practicing witch. Again, many will agree with me on that statement as well. I mean she admits herself to being a witch, so no one can dispute that fact. Here's were I will most likely start losing readers though---her witchcraft threats against Caucasian folks are real. Witchcraft is evil and very dangerous, in fact not only for those who are unprotected from witchcraft but for those who practice the demonic act of witchcraft as well. How do I know all this ? Because witchcraft is exposed for what it is in the Christian Bible.

Have you ever taken time to read the Bible on the subject of witchcraft? Seriously, have you ? No, I mean really read and ingested the very words that touches lives on this subject matter? Throughout the Bible, we read that witchcraft is rebellion towards God. Also, The Bible quite clearly states that use of witchcraft also encompasses the use of demons to bring about evil results. It is not unusual to go to many third world countries and still see the use of witchcraft yet today. That begs the question though, If witchcraft is real, is being used in third world nations, why don't many in the West including American's believe that witchcraft is evil or that it even really exists ? The simple as well as short answer to that question is this, witchcraft has been deemed by many here as something “fun”, “exciting”, “playful”,”harmless”, and quite frankly has been integrated into much of the entertainment industry here for a very long time. Perhaps you did not notice. For many years, since around the 1940's as a matter of fact, film producers such as Walt Disney produced cartoons for public consumption with themes that included magic and the use of witchcraft. Popular TV television programs in the 1960's such as “Bewitched” became more and popular and today, the witchcraft movie series “Harry Potter” has been viewed all around the world by millions and millions throughout the West.

The West certainly has been conditioned to believe that witchcraft is acceptable behavior. However the acceptance of witchcraft, viewing it on your television, going to see it as entertainment or using such demonic tools as a Ouji Board will get you involved with demonic activity whether you believe it or not. As I have often stated specifically when speaking to others regarding Biblical matters , “Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't real.” In fact as the Bible declares, “the devil is a liar.” I've been to some of those third world countries that I mentioned earlier, I also live here in the USA--- but I have seen the effects on people that have been cursed by those who use witchcraft both in other nations and here in the USA as well. Don't be fooled, geography does not stop demons and the use of witchcraft. Those who are not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ have little to no chance of standing against those who use demons to place curses upon others. Personally, I am glad and blessed that I have Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour, through His name, and only His name, I (or anyone that has accepted Jesus of the Bible as their personal Lord and Saviour)can stand against darkness and the use of witchcraft against me(them).

Make no mistake about it folks, It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have, how religious you are, or if you believe witchcraft is real or not, Demons are real and so is the use of witchcraft. Don't poo-poo or laugh off what I am telling you here. Only a Biblical, personal relationship with Jesus Christ gives you the power to fight off demons and the people who use witchcraft to hurt others such as Ms. Banks. I do pray in fact that she repents of her evil because as some of you can tell, the world is growing more and more wicked every day because people ignore God's Word, and people like her and others that willing and purposely participate in witchcraft are adding to all that evil we see at present. My friends, Judgement Day is fast approaching. I've seen where God Himself has struck down dead such unrepentant evil people as Azealia Banks. As I shared early on here, Evil and witchcraft is nothing to play around with. I do pray  Azealia Banks and others in the West including right here in America gets that message, and get's it real soon.

Memo to others; Revelation 21:8 “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. “

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Friday, January 16, 2015

How Serious Are You About Responsibility For Your Rights ?

How Serious Are You About Responsibility For Your Rights ?

It's really sad to see how far America has drifted from it's original Constitutional Republic. In comparison to world history, the USA remains a relatively young nation. In just a little over two-hundred years however, America has become more of a Socialist State rather than what our American Fore-Fathers established as far as a Government is concerned. The thought of just how far removed we as Americans have allowed this to occur actually keeps me awake at night on occasion. And that really is they key, the action, or should I say, inaction that many Americans have taken to allow America to grow into this Socialist State in which we currently live under.

Being so far removed from what Americans have allowed this nation to drift from it's original intent brings me to the question I am asking in the title of this article... “How Serious Are You About Responsibility For Your Rights ?” I know there are some Americans and probably many foreigners reading this article that can answer my question quite accurately. Sadly, however most Americans cannot. The fact is that although an increasing amount of Americans that are polled share their fear of losing their freedoms and rights here, they do nothing constructive about preserving or gaining back those lost rights and privileges. Sure, many Americans get angry at all our rights and freedoms being eroded via the US and State Governments, but few do anything tangible about it.

Oh I know, some protests, some march, some sign petitions, some make calls or send letters to legislators but as I have asked plenty of times in previous articles, how effective are those actions that you take ? If you are being honest with yourself(most Americans do not have the ability to do so sadly), you can see that they result in no positive change and are in all truth, your actions(previously noted)largely are ignored and laughed at by the Government Officials and the law enforcement officials that protect them. Bottom line is this, being angry and sending what is largely only a powder puff letter or message to a corrupted government or Government official does little to nothing to bring about any restoration of your freedoms and or rights.
“Voting” you say ? ah, a sweeping new Congress with many Republicans now in office who with only two weeks in office already and obviously didn't get your message that you demand change either. Got Boehner anyone ? As they say “same 'Ol, same 'Ol.” As was before Election Day, 2014 it is corporations, trial lawyers and lobbyists that dictate law in Washington DC, not you. Get it ?

“Our rights come from God, not man” is really the basis of why the British Colonies of America rebelled against King George III in 1776. It was Jesus of the Bible that the vast majority of the signers of the Deceleration of Independence believed in and followed in substance(action) by fighting(bullets shot) for independence. That all makes sense because 22 of the signers were also seminary graduates. This nation was largely founded on and by Biblical Christians. When we acknowledge that fact and then return to God of our Fore-Fathers rather than remaining in the current horrible state of ignoring God, as we see what is occurring because of our ignoring (and many cases, loathing of Him as well), acknowledging Him will only end the further decline of our freedoms and rights under the Socialist State we currently suffer, “We The People” will once again regain our standing in the world as the “freest society in the history of man kind.”

Now ignored and forgotten by many Americans, there is a responsibility that all Americans need to take on a daily basis. That is to acknowledge and fully serve God of the Bible as headship of our nation(corporately) and headship in our own lives as well(individually). This nation was not founded on Allah Principles, Secular Principles, Buddha Principles or any principles outside the Bible. And yes, this nation was not founded on the false teacher principles of Joel Osteen and or Rick Warren, the Pope or others like them as well. When we say “we demand our rights”, remember there is an American Founding Father and Biblical mandate that we put God of the Bible first and before every decision we make here. Look, if John Quincy Adams stated “The Deceleration Of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth...(and) laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity”, should we not heed his and other similar statements made to us via our other American Founding Fathers regarding the importance of putting God at the Headship of our nation ?

You cannot safely sit on your couch or comfy chair and watch you TV “god” and do nothing about this nation's near destruction. There is a reason Islamists are getting away with killing many around the world. You can easily find out from the Bible. That said, neither can you say “ I have the right to do whatever I want, even if it offends God of the Bible" without consequence. Stating such or defending such idiotic things as “I defend those who put Jesus on a crucifix in a jar of urine.” And you also calling yourself at the same time " a Christian” and or a “pastor”, really ?? You're only kidding yourself. Your number one responsibility as an American(as prescribed by our Founding Fathers) is to God of the Bible, not your foolish man made ideologies(no not money either). If Many of our Fore-Fathers believed that “our rights come from God, not men”, shouldn't you pick up your responsibility(taking tangible action) to remove those things in your life that you are doing, or not doing that continues to add to the desegregation of your freedom and rights ?

“ (A) malicious intention to vilify the Christian religion and the Scriptures...would prove a nursery of vice. A school of preparation to qualify young men for the gallows and young women for the brothel...Religion and morality...are the foundations of all governments. Without these restraints no free government could long last.” PEOPLE v. RUGGLES, 1811

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

Please Help Feed And Bless Poor Children Here....

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

An Open Letter To Gov. Cuomo Regarding Grand Jury Reform, Do You Mean It?

An Open Letter To Gov. Cuomo Regarding Grand Jury Reform, Do You Mean It?

January 15, 2015

Dear Governor Cuomo,

I am once again(second time now)writing an open letter and will be as well mailed to you as I have done previously in the past. The purpose of this letter this time, is to address the massive problem of injustice in New York State. You state that you want "Grand Jury reform" in NYS but as I shared with you(and all my readers) in my first letter(dated January 10, 2014,, I was victimized by an Illegal Alien/Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer and the corrupted judges and attorneys in and surrounding Genesee County, NY. I specifically shared with you regarding who aided her in her scam, those mentioned in that letter, even that a City of Batavia, NY Police Officer threatened to murder me( because I exposed that scammer and corrupted judges, attorneys and others that helped her in her fraudulent act against me   and all US Citizens as well. unfortunately, you neither responded to my public nor private letter to you and in the time between my two letters to you, corruption and illegal acts of, in and throughout the New York State Judiciary waxes worse, not better.

Your desire to have some sort of “Grand Jury reform.”, at least  in word anyway is a great idea. I have to ask you however, how can there ever be any resolving now of such judicial reform issues by you when you yet still have unsettled Judicial corruption issues that you said you would get resolved ? Even your Moreland Commission on Corruption is being investigated by the Federal Government for acts of corruption itself. I myself was in the past contacted and informed via your Moreland Commission that my case would “be contacted by an investigator”, and no such activity ever took place. I am not alone. Many of those who had the ability as well as privilege of testifying before your Moreland Commission hearings, including those who exposed corruption throughout the massive New York State Judicial system, ie.. those attorneys disbarred by you, your NYS Bar Association, were all only ignored, and remain disbarred and yet ignored today. If attorneys who expose government and judicial corruption in and throughout NYS cannot expose the corrupted Judiciary in NYS safely, how is that I, or any other New Yorker could ever have the possibility of exposing injustice and getting our justice from you through "Grand Jury reform"or any other change or venue for change that you suggest ?

Obviously the lack of real and honest NYS Government leadership in the way of making meaningful judicial   reform has only enabled and added to the judicial corruption and injustice here.  For many residents here in New York State, especially the poor who cannot afford “equal justice under the law” more and more residents suffer greatly. If you, the Governor have only words and no action in addressing the massive Government and NYS Court corruption issues, how can any of us believe any word you speak regarding your desire for Grand Jury reform ? Since my letter written to you one year ago, a NYS Legislator was removed from the Assembly and eventually arrested then incarcerated for being a Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer( That is only one Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer dealt with lawfully here. There are literally thousands of Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers being helped and aided via corrupted judges, attorneys, Domestic Violence Programs(false DV allegations and others in and throughout New York State(There are over one-million Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers living here abusing our laws and illegally taking our tax money throughout the USA). The reason  this is being allowed by corrupted individuals throughout New York State judges, attorneys and others is very simple, follow the money....the Billions and Billions of US Tax Dollars from the Federal Government via Federal Title IV and Violence Against Women Act Funding freely gives to each State including NYS. I cannot think of one person who is for domestic violence against women, nor domestic violence against men for that matter, but misuse and corrupted uses of tax payer funding to help liars and those who commit International Marriage Fraud ? I cannot imagine one New York State resident being for that. How about you ?

Action speaks louder than words Governor Cuomo. Thus far, your record of helping those you promised to aid during your election and recent re election campaigns have not materialized and have fallen far short before all victims of crimes committed against them via corrupted NYS Government agencies and individuals who are employed in them. "Justice” should never result in a man being killed for selling loose cigarettes on the streets of any city. That said, police  should as well not be told to "go after" those "who are breaking laws because the State and City are losing revenue." Shouldn't' all police officers in New York State be left alone and free to catch real criminals such as murder's, rapists, thieves, drug dealers, etc ? Justice should never be about how much money a State can make whenever a law is made, or how much money a judge, lawyer, DV program, CPS/DSS Agency or others can be made in family Courts either. Receiving equal and fair justice should not be about if a person is rich or poor. Justice should be fair and equal for all. Some how, as an attorney and as well as Governor, you agree with my  many of my sentiments and principles just laid out  before you here, but you are not taking any action which proves that you agree with such statements. I am a former Internationally Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor as well as a former Forensic Specialist who established and consulted on establishing Alternative to Incarceration Programs in New York State. I am not attorney, nor do I give legal advice, but I believe being a victim of your corrupted court's and law enforcement, that gives me enough experience to ask and receive a meeting with you regarding “Grand Jury reform” and other judicial corruption issues. That of course would include my own case of being a victim of a Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer(whom you are allowing NYS and all US Tax Payers to fund her house mortgage, food, medical bills, etc) and also my receiving a death threat from a Batavia, N.Y. cop. Again, I believe that especially the poor and those suffering injustice in NYS deserve real change from you, not just word. They also deserve a voice, and I believe I can be an effective advocate as well as voice for them when I meet with you and your staff in the very near future.

I wait for your response---again.

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why I Am Not Supportive Of Charlie Hebdo

Why I Am Not Supportive Of Charlie Hebdo

I want to express my condolences to all the family member who's relatives were recently killed via the Islamic terrorists in Paris, France. My heart goes out to each family member who suffers yet today for the horrible and murderous acts via those evil men who took it upon themselves to kill many there. That said, I want to express that although I support the idea of unity against evil, including Islamic terrorism, I also want to express that all of us should totally reject the articles and cartoon work of Charlie Hebdo. In this relatively short article, I will share some points as to why you too, should reject these articles and political cartoons of Charlie Hebdo. I do realize that wounds are yet fresh from the terrorist attacks via the Muslim terrorists, but I feel it necessary to alert and warn folks what they are supporting when they post support for Charlie Hebdo on social media sites, they are inviting to themselves nothing short of solicited trouble.

So that there is no mistake made by anyone and as I shared in my last blog article, you need to be aware that the overwhelming number of French Citizens are Atheists and believers in Secular Humanism. Unlike the American Revolution in 1776, France's Revolution in 1789 was all about liberty without God. Thousands of French Citizens were beheaded during that time. It wasn't just the French Nobility that were sought after(men, women and children) to be beheaded, there were also many Jews who were also murdered as well. France has had a distaste for religion including the Bible for over two hundred years now. Because of over two-hundred years of anti-religion sentiment in France, many Frenchman today openly mock not only Islam, but also other religions such as Roman Catholicism and Judaism.

Bringing you  up to to date regarding France's culture some more, we see many French Citizens who like also many Americans, all religions are considered fair game when it comes to mocking and attacking. That of course includes the use of sarcasm. I'm not a religious kind of guy, I'll say this however--- I believe in two things, 1) That all religions are man made and only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can save any person as well as any society and 2) That attacking any religion, or group of individuals by utilizing sarcasm to rid of it, only invites disaster upon those who use that sarcasm. If you were unaware, Charlie Hebdo has attacked with their sarcastic style, not only Islam, but Jews, Catholics and Christians as well.To me, not a very good and effective use of humor nor less that of exposing or ridding of "evil."

In college many years ago while training to become a therapist, I was taught that “sarcasm is a form of expressed repressed anger.” As I shared earlier, it's not just the French who enjoy utilizing sarcasm, Many Americans also love the use of sarcasm as well(got Jon Stewart anyone?). The problem with using sarcasm however is that it's use is extremely ineffective to bring about any sort of positive change. When you use sarcasm, all you are doing is attempting to manipulate a positive response by using a very negative means. Let me ask you this, do you enjoy being manipulated ? Probably not. When there is evil and you use an infective means to remove that evil such as by utilizing sarcastic cartoons that only pisses off the group or person you're trying to change, how effective is that ? It's like poking a bear in the eye with a small stick. Try that sometime and see what happens to you !

That is what many in France and America do however. The use of “poking the bear in the eye with a stick” is employed by those in the Media all the time. Many of you watch Fox News and I can tell you clearly that Sean Hannity and Megan Kelly are king and queen(respectively) of the use of "poking the bear in the eye" tactics. They have on guests on their programs(ie. Imam Choudry, Bill Ayers, etc) who just about every FNC viewer is well aware who is "the bad guy" as one of their TV program guests. Indeed, Americans are keenly aware, but for the sake of raising their TV program ratings, they bring on guests to their TV shows to "poke the bear in the eye with a stick" so as to negativity elicit responses from their guests thus making Hannity and Kelly look like they are providing some sort of “investigative journalism" however all Kelly and Hannity are doing is using a form of sarcasm to get you to watch their TV shows.(Does it work?)

If you are going to expose and remove evil, use effective methods. Making fun of someone or something is a very ineffective way of getting at the root of the issue. Islamic terrorism is a very real and evil act and obviously growing problem. If the fight against evil, the use of sarcasm and mocking is a major(or even a small)part of your “arsenal of weapons", you're in big trouble. If you want to make some person and or group pissed off enough to take further action against you, “poke the bear in the eye with a stick” through the use of sarcasm. If your interest however is to truly in removing evil, then go remove evil. Stop playing useless and stupid mind games.

Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers...”

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Why Is God Allowing Muslims To Attack The West ?

Why Is God Allowing Muslims To Attack The West ?

I think this is a great question and deserves an answer. My problem however in answering this questions is two fold...1) The venue in answering it here only gives me a very small and limited space to address the question. Blog articles are certainly not books and in all honesty, a book on the subject matter/question really is required. The other issue regarding answering the title's question is also this---there may very will be those who are not Biblical Christians much like myself who will completely not understand, or “get” the Biblical points that I make in giving an answer. Indeed, both are very valid points for NOT writing this article nor attempting to answer the question asked. But I feel it must be addressed anyway.

That all said, I believe it is the Good Lord who does want me to point out a few matters concerning just why He is allowing Muslims to(increasingly) attack and terrorize the West. I wasn't going to write this article at all, or at least delay writing it because in part, I felt a bit afraid folks reading it were not ready to hear the answer and would on the most part, be very hostile to the answer I gave and to me personally. However, the Lord has shown me in my personal Bible reading and meditation time that I should not be like Abram. If you remember Abram in the Bible God, He told Abram to travel and out of fear, Abram mistakenly as well as purposed not to tell the Egyptians that Sarai was wife and instead told the Egyptians, Sarai was his sister. Telling that lie out of fear got Abram in a lot of trouble. I don't want to be in trouble with God, so I'm doing as I'm directed through the Spirit and sharing this question with a Biblical response.

Anyway, to answer the question that I asked in the title above, I firmly believe that God(of the Bible) is indeed giving all nations in the West a wake-up call to repent of evil and is using Muslims to purge nations from unrepentant sin. Let me explain further, when you read especially in what is called the Old Testament in the Bible, you read in many parts where prophets warned Israel and Judah alike to repent of their unrepentant sins. You can read of such accounts in the Books of Jeremiah, Isiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. As I shared earlier, I would need to write an entire book to explain and quote all of what these and other Prophets of the Bible declared and the Bible verses along with them.

The bottom line is this, God loved and still loves the Jews today. In fact God loves all people, all nations. However it is especially the United States of America that was founded on Biblical principles(despite what lies some American History Revisionists propagate) and many Western nations that were swooped up in the Spirit's work during the time of the European Reformation time period up until World War II that we read thousands of Bible believing missionaries go out and evangelize(in the name of Biblical Jesus) to “all the corners of the earth.” Bible believing missionaries from these once great Christian nations are few and far between today. No longer is Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Christian countries. By the very definition and words out of the mouths of most folks who live in the West, they deny Jesus Christ of the Bible, His existence and even when asked what religion they are, more and more reply with the answer, “none.”

I mentioned Israel and Judah earlier, God never gave up on them. We clearly read that in the entire Bible. God will never give up on the West either but what God allowed Israel and Judah to go through because of their rebelliousness towards God, the West also will suffer because of their rebellion towards God at a graduated level of consequence as well. God is allowing the same as what Israel and Judah suffer because of their and our stubbornness and rebellion towards God and what He called not partaking in sin(they did it anyway). God allowed at first, border raids and terrorists to harass and kill Israelis and Judeans. When that didn't work, God allowed Israel and Judas's enemies(foreign nations) to attack them. When Israel and Judah just wouldn't repent of their sin and rebelliousness, God allowed both Israel and Judah to be invaded and many of their citizens to be taken captive and used as slaves in foreign nations. A quick history note for those unaware, this occurred more that a few times in history because following the sin nature was more important to Israeli's and Judeans than it was for them to follow God, so the same process happened to them again, and again, and again. We are seeing that same process here in the West now.

America and the West are in big trouble. Most in America and the West are not following God of the Bible. Most outright reject Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. We have forgotten God and His precepts, we murder our babies through abortion, we divorce our spouses, we hate our own parents and our children, we have the most corrupted courts and governments the world has ever known, we purposely and out right accept or turn our heads from what God calls sin. Whether it's gay marriage, lying, cheating, murder, adultery, cowardice, arrogance. what ever flavor of sin it is, most Americans and those in the West accept sin as the “norm.” Well, I believe God is using Muslims to shake us all from our (corrupted and sinful)foundations and if God is allowing this as I suspect, then no amount of money, guns, weapons or illegal wire taps and or gun confiscations via crooked and evil government officials will save any of us.

You want to rid the world of these Islamists who terrorize the world ? Repent ! Repent to Jesus of the Bible I say, and Remove those in authority who refuse to repent. Repent to Jesus of the Bible and return to Him. He can and will do exceedingly more than what you could ever do in your own strength. He will remove the curse against us that is Islamic terrorism and have we brought upon ourselves, if we repent.

2Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Republicans Screw Americans Who Voted For Them, Again.

Republicans Screw Americans Who Voted For Them, Again.

The last election cycle held in 2014 was supposed to be about stopping Obama and is why so many Americans turned out to vote for Republican candidates. In fact not only did the US House of Representatives gain Republican members so did the US Senate where by now both the House and the Senate have a Republican Party majority of members in control. Good news right ? Apparently not as the same old Republican tricks of compromising with the devil(Obama in this case) continues despite what many who expressly shared was their number one reason for voting for Republican Candidates.

Most didn't see it coming, but I did. When House Leader John Boehner was once again assumed he would get the House Leadership position, I knew he'd get it. I've been to Washington DC three times now visiting congress and I know how those in Congress play their dirty political games. There was no way that any challenger to Boehner was ever going to get the House majority position from the Republican members. Let me clarify. Please understand the American voter do not control Congress nor how Congressional members vote. Many of you think you do, in fact most of you believe that the US Government works for you, but you really believe that, you are incorrect.

So, by this point, you are most likely wanting to know just who does the votes of Congress and our Federal Government ? If “We The people” do not control Congress, just who does ? The answer is this... the corporations, the lobbyists and the trial lawyers own and control votes of our Government. Don't believe me ? Just visit DC for one day and plainly see all the corporate office buildings in the District of Columbia and the thousands and thousand of lawyers coming in and out of Congressional member's offices every day. Folks, they are not sharing cooking recipes nor are they talking about your best interests. Watch these corporate lawyers and lobbyists talk about “money” and “funding” to help special interests groups get their laws passed. My friends it's sad to say but it's all true, your locally elected Federal Government Representative and Senator were and still are financed today to do the will of big corporations and special interests groups, not you or I.

Oh yes, I do want to acknowledge that you will hear some fine sounding speeches from Republicans from time to time. But those are speeches not action. I don't care how much you like Trey Gowdy, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee or any other “Conservative” Republicans. Great speeches do nothing, that is unless you are one of those Americans that believes that “Professional wrestling” is real. You'll hear great sounding and tough rhetoric there, but (sorry to break some of your hearts) but just like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and other fairy tales, professional wrestling and the vast majority of political speeches even from republicans are nothing short of fluff and lies.

My suggestion to all Americans is this; stop putting your faith in politics, including the Republican Party(Never trust a Democrat either). As my German great grandmother used to say of politicians and a few others like them, “they are all shysters.” You cannot trust a one of them. Who can you trust ? No one but Jesus of the Bible my friend. He's the only one. Men and women will always fail you. Even me, I never purposely try to hurt or fail someone but for some folks, I' have some how hurt and or failed them. That's human nature, we want better, but people can't give you what only Jesus Christ can provide. That's a fact.

So, stay away from strange, orange colored and lying politicians. Even if they are Republicans. Instead, gravitate towards Jesus because only He can help a nation that is full of lying politicians and a nation that has also been overrun with corrupted and evil people. Give Him a try won't you ? Perhaps if many of us do take Jesus into our lives, this nation can and will turn around. What have you got to lose ?

Psalm 146:3 “Put not your trust in princes,  nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Monday, January 5, 2015

We Need Police Approved Spankings For Our Children ?

We Need Police Approved Spankings For Our Children ?

I have been warning folks for over four years now. Few have listened. As is usually the case, most Americans are pretty much apathetic to the US, State and Local Government sponsored terrorism and purposeful destruction of the American Family, until, well... until it happens to them that is. Case in point, the Justina Pelletier case as well as the thousands of other cases much like it that occur on a daily basis here in the USA.

If you haven't read one of the most printed headlines posted on many of the Main Stream Media websites in the past few days, Many media outlets carried the following headline; “Father Requests Police To Supervise His Child's Spanking.” So, what is that all about ? Answering my own question, quite simply, most parents have swallowed the lies of the devil and allowed themselves to give in to the Progressive and demonic demand that Government rule as “daddy.” Biological fathers are out, Government as “daddy” is in. Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Feminists have wanted to remove any Biblical mandate fathers and men hold for years now and it appears one of the last few bricks of the foundation of Biblical fatherhood and manhood have been finally removed.

Fathers have had the Biblical mandate to discipline their children for over 6000 years now and in America, many Americans have kicked God of the Bible out of their families and their own personal lives. With God gone, it is very easy to see how many men and fathers can be so easily intimidated and act out of fear of other men(and women). No man should ever be in fear of Biblically disciplining his child, but that is exactly what has occurred and will continue to occur. Biblical discipline is always centered on Christ's love, not unrighteous anger and Biblical Christians know this but the vast majority of Government sponsored terrorists such as judges, lawyers, cops, psychologists, Child Protective workers, Social Services Agents, Domestic Violence Program Workers, psychiatrists, teachers and others don't (nor wish to)understand this. Their view is that the only good parent, is a permissive parent that only follows the unbiblical practice of allowing children to do practically anything they wish with little parental interference.

Lack of Godly discipline is a huge problem in America and not just children lack it. Despite what these for mentioned terrorists tell us in their books, their clinics, their courtrooms and jail cells, our children should not be raised as our friends, nor our buddies or in a permissive manner. There comes a point in a child's life that “time out's”, taking things away and other permissive disciplining parental techniques just don't work. Children need guidance and if needed a spanking. If applied properly, a spanking will keep a child from being(further) involved in self-harming or criminal activity or might even save them from partaking in an activity that could lead to a premature death. Government sponsored terrorists do not want to understand this. Their wish is only to control every aspect of our lives including the purposeful destruction of families and the removal of all men/fathers.

America raises many femen. Boys are often doped up with psychotropics for ADD/ADHD to “make them more docile like girls.” Also, Biblical men are getting harder to find in America because men are increasingly acting(lack of Biblical action) out of fear of the Government rather than having the fear of God. Men as well as women in this nation have purposely left God of the Bible and are screwing up future generations of children in our nation. It would seem to me that there are an increasing amount of adults in the USA that need spankings as well as children. Let's be very honest and real here... Because of the many Americans willing to listen to Government sponsored terrorists, the legacy many American parents are leaving to their children is nothing short of rebelliousness and hatred towards Jesus Christ of the Bible.

If we love our children, I mean if we really, really love them, we should discipline our children in the fear of the Lord despite what Government sponsored terrorists tell us or attempt to impress upon us. Fear God, note men...Acts 5:29.

Proverbs 23:13-14 “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.”

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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