“Standing Up And Doing The Word 'NO'
It would appear that many Americans
have lost the notion of just how powerful and equally important our
words are coupled with action. Arguably, here in the USA--- I believe
the word “No” to be the most powerful word in the English
language. In fact, saying the word “No” to someone,
anyone...depending on how the word is used in context, can arouse so
many deep feelings in the person receiving and hearing “No.”
There is no word completed with the following through of action that
can result in such tremendous as well as devastating consequences to
a person or organizations ego. If American's only knew just how
powerful this word was and is. If only cultures and nations around
the world also only knew how powerful this word is as well. The word
“No” used in the right context and with the correct application
by a majority, even a minority of people, can and does change whole
countries including policies and attitudes. I repeat... there is no
more powerful word then the word “No.”
Unfortunately, many American's have
learned the power of expressing the word “No” but have
increasingly used that word in the wrong context and for the wrong
and unhelpful reasons. In fact, a great example of what I am
expressing here is the fact that most Americans have responded saying
“No”, to others when being asked to stand up and remove evil here
in our nation. Equally important and the truth also be known, many
Americans have also said “No” when there are opportunities
standing right there before them to get up off their butt's and do
something about all the evil that overwhelms our nation today. How
horrible and tragic instead, most Americans do not seize the
opportunity to remove evil through “No” in action, but do nothing
instead but watch their “boob tube” and drink their beer. Sadly
and unfortunately, while other nations and even our own government
plots and takes actions to destroy us and our God given rights,
poison our food, murder innocent men women and children, the majority
of US Citizens when called upon to take a real and substantive stand
against evil, just say “No” by doing nothing. It is the obvious
mind set that these same folks who do nothing, believe that their
American government has their best interest in mind. Crazy as it may
sound, these same foolish people also believe that the US and it's
State Government's are there to protect them or is actually there to
help them. They are sadly mistaken and will be find themselves among
the first to soon be slaughtered because of their idiotic belief

Those who love God of the Bible and all
those who are lover's of good now see their latest actions of
petitions, grievances, protests and marches against evil especially
government sponsored evil, have become useless, and impotent. There
are no longer enough people in America who care. Apathy rules the
hearts of many Americans. It is so very evident that if Christians
and others had stood up and declared “No” to evil years ago, we
wouldn't be in this horrible predicament today. As they say
though,... "It is what it is"... Now all of must make a conscious
decision to either say “No” and mean it or go along with the
program of increasing evil. I pity those in the end who believe in
their heart that they can some how hide or pretend to be on the side
of evil just to get a long. My friends, if that is you, you are
making a very bad mistake. In the end, at some point... you will have
to make a decision of whom and what you believe and what you avoid
today, will eventually need to deal with anyway.
Today is of the final days of standing
up in action and saying “No” to evil and government sponsored
terrorism against it's citizenry. What does this mean for you ? This
means no more agreeing to and allowing to government sanctioned
evil. For some of you, this will be very difficult as you will no
longer be allowing your U.S issued Social Security Number, your state
issued Driver's License and other government ID's and documents to be
used for government profiteering and exploitation of evil. You may
even like I, give up certain government issued licenses and go on in
life to follow God and Natural Rights instead. Saying “No” to
government and evil manipulation, control and other wicked acts
should never be tolerated by anyone, doing so is how this nation got
to be in such a demonic mess to begin with. Our government elected
and non-elected leaders, courts, police and others are steadfastly
engaged in matters which God calls wrong. My warning to all; If you
“go along to get along”, you are doing yourself a disservice.
Equally, if you believe that your decision to do nothing about evil
makes no difference, you are wrong... you have in fact chosen the
side of evil.
Indeed, utilizing the word “No”
with action is powerful if used for the right and Biblical reasons.
People can come up with many excuses in not using this word in action
properly. I do hope and pray that everyone reading this article “gets
it” now. There is no more wiggle room for folks to do nothing about
the one-hundred percent removal of evil and standing up with the word
“No.” You are responsible and you are required to act in concert
with what God tells you to do and act. With that, I advise you to use
the word “No” in action and in frequency every time evil raises
it's ugly head.
Matthew 5:7 “But
let your communication be, Yes, yes; No, no: for whatever is more
than these comes of evil. “
Rev Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment
Thank you for this good simple true real and timeless scrutiny observation.
ReplyDeleteWe desperately need leaders whose moral composition and characters upon their arrival at becoming our leaders are strong in the good simple true and real way you have excellently explained in this brief thesis.
I agree---There is some things in life worst than dying. To lower yourself to sewer type standards, sit back and say nothing is worst than doing nothing.
ReplyDeleteGOD is watching this Nation very close as well as the world. Think about it--If you really think GOD is going to allow mankind to disrespect him, disobey him and than laugh in his face---Saying he is not alive or does not exist.
The games people play----To play this type of game with GOD is betting your life on the outcome. Are you prepared to bet on the outcome-----NOT ME.