“3 Years Dead; Senator Nancy
Schaefer, More Yet Being Murdered”
This week marks the three year
anniversary of the murder of former Georgia State Senator Nancy
Schaefer. Since the one-year anniversary of her death, I have taken
the time to write about her death. Also in sharing my thoughts to
some degree, about what occurred to her and update all, as to the
progress of the truth about what sadly occurred to her, her husband
and Nancy's film documentary producer/director; Bill Bowen. Yes, it
is sad...they were all mysteriously found dead and the cover-up and
lies about their deaths continues even to this date. To many who knew
and know of this tragedy, It really is more than unfortunate that
three innocent human being were killed and there are government
agents as well as others who killed them/others yet run free and even
to this date still partake in the cover-up of their deaths

To bring everyone up to date as one of
my goals here in this article as stated earlier, I will simply
acknowledge that these sort of murders, illegal incarcerations,
separations and more that Nancy and Bill exposed, have not changed.
As a matter of fact, there are more instances of these types of
horrendous actions occurring not only in the USA, but all around the
world today. No doubt that evil still reigns in this world all around
us... satan has not taken a holiday since Bill and Nancy being both
murdered. Those of us who have suffered and labored very hard in
exposing evil such as what Senator Schaefer and Bill Bowen have also
done, continue to suffer greatly. For the readers here who are not
aware, I myself am a victim of a Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammer
named Jennie Basal who was able to conspire with corrupted Genesee
County, NY judges, lawyers, teachers and others to have a City of
Batavia, NY cop threaten to murder me as well as illegally take my
children, house and all property from me. In fact, to this very date
of this article being written, the Genesee County, NY Clerk has
refused to give me transcripts from court proceedings. I and others
have asked and asked and asked for nearly one year now for those
documents and others but to no avail. This is the sort of evil and
illegal manner that millions of other Americans, just as myself have
been treated and endured as well. You see, It's not just me. But as others just as myself, there are many others also who are waiting for persons such as Jennie Basal and
her Genesee County, NY officials to actually make good on their
threat to murder I and others http://www.corruptgenesee.com.
Please take special note, it's not that I'm afraid... no... make no mistake about
it, I am simply stating here that I am waiting and prepared and I'll leave it at that.
Yes, murder is a scheme being used by
the devil and his people and for those who are ignorant of that fact,
children robbed from homes via Child Protective Services, Family
Courts, judges, lawyers, cops, social workers, domestic violence
program workers, teachers, psychologists, Filipina Migration Marriage
Scammers and all others like them, are all in the murder for hire and murder for
cash business http://murderdeathandabuseinfostercare.blogspot.com/.
It is what it is, there is no other name for murder for cash. The
history and facts speak for themselves. When good and honest people
speak up for what is good and demand justice in our nation.... as
what Senator Nancy Shaefer, Bill Bowen and others often times
did/do---they are often and wrongfully demonized by those who are
active in destruction of families and kidnapping children for
financial profit schemes. It is so obvious to me that Former Georgia State
Senator and Bill Bowen could not be demonized to the point of being
silenced, even though through threats, they were told to remain silent about the kidnapping children and destruction of families for cash schemes(that still go on today without check). Thus, they were murdered by
those involved in “cash for kids” and "destruction of
families for profit" schemes for continuing to expose those horrific evil acts of our government and others just like them.
For those who were and still are close
to Nancy and Bill in heart... in what they stood champion for, there
likely will come no peaceful end and solution to the evil we still
see yet today. I increasingly see bizarre video's often times posted
on places like YouTube and equally bizarre statements being made on
social websites of folks who purport to be also “victims” of
Family Law Government Agents. However, these sort of folks often use
a type of murder to kill off good folks and the real victims of the
Family Law Government Agents as well. Often using character
assassination, false propaganda, dissension and “divide and
conquer” techniques, these types of people are often successful in
maintaining confusion, causing wasted time and effort as well as resources
in fighting them off so that good minded folks who have been raped
via Family Law Government Agents can get justice. I cannot help but
think and believe there are many Jezebel's and Ahab's that work for
the US and it's State's propaganda machine. Thus, we see the influx
of false “victims” infiltrating those who are the real victims of
what also Bill and Nancy exposed. To the wise in heart and equally to the
wicked judges, lawyers, psychologists, CPS workers, domestic violence
program workers, cops and Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers, and
others like them... we know that the evil one is hard at work trying
to distract from truth, but for those of us who know truth, we will
never quit exposing you...never.
We that are fighting for our families
are fighting a vicious army that has no qualm of letting up on it's
evil actions, we know through their actions that evilists enjoy
equally the taste of blood and of money. The sad reality is that
Senator Nancy Schaefer and Bill Bowen were not the first victims of
this evil war on families and children for cash. No, and they are
certainly and sadly will not be the last. Personally, I am praying
fervently and working hard towards revival in our nation and our
world. Of course the Lord Jesus Christ's move through the Holy Spirit
does not depend only on me and what I say and or do. In reality, it
depends upon everyone's repentant hearts to turn from wickedness and the move of God's Spirit
to bring much needed reconciliation and peace as well as end to
families and children murdered for financial profit. In the mean time
though, until that day when all evil men and women repent of their
indulging in wickedness, I educate, I expose and I remove evil
wherever and whenever possible. I do earnestly pray that all people
everywhere, irregardless of where they live(and read this article), will indeed repent of
their wickedness before that “shot heard around the world” is
fired. If we do not have that wholesale repentance, we can only expect to see more blood
shed. Upon that day and time, it will be to late for many, the blood will flow more than we have ever seen or witnessed before.
Let us pray and act so that the deaths
and murders of all families, children, Senator Schaefer and Bill
Bowen were not in vain. Those of us who are on the side of truth, especially Biblical Truth are
“all” Senator Nancy Schaefer and Bill Bowens' now....The God of the
Bible demands justice. Do your part before it's to late.
24:11-12 “if
you hold back from rescuing those taken away to death, those who go
staggering to the slaughter; if
you say, “Look, we did not know this”—does not he who weighs
the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul
know it? And will he not repay all according to their deeds?
Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
God bless this amazing woman and her dear husband, these demons will be driven out soon and Nancy was a big part of that !
ReplyDeleteSatan's little puppets. These must be the dumbest creatures on this planet. Why would these imbeciles join the side that already lost! Why would anyone show loyalty to the most infamous trader known to man? Because he wanted to be number 1? Well I got your number 1 right here Satan. Forgive me lord. As for the rest of you pagans, I'll pray for you. You sickos think hurting children and running around lying and telling secrets is noble? Because you act that way most of the time. And it's kinda lame after awhile pretending to be clever and sophisticated,trying to take over this world instead of serving it. Not much time left. Don't be selfish. You will be exposed and you will be punished. I might be punished here. And I welcome it. I am afraid of your wicked ways, but I'm not afraid like you......Otherwise I would be in hiding like you. Telling lies and joining and hurting others. I have done that plenty. And I hope I can be forgiven. Even knowing I could go to he'll for my sins. I still stand against you. Senator Schaefer is my new hero and I wish she didn't alone. I guess she no longer does.
ReplyDeletethis is a tough one, when you shine a light the cockroaches scurry. former political journalist who was hated by certain higher ups, of course, had his car blow up, engine thrown 200 feet, then had his body cremated without his wifes permission, then was flown back to his parents in the eastern US. now they come out with an "autopsy" traces of methamphetamine in his system, and many can have this in their "system" by using over the counter pseudoephedrine cold medicine (you have to show your drivers license) most people dont think there could possibly be cloak and dagger stuff going on in their government. pretty sad. and i for one think the recent appearance of alex jones on piers morgan was a complete controlled opposition set up. but i am christian so i am another crackpot..
ReplyDeleteLook! Wer'e living in the last days. That doesn't mean I'm throwing in the towel, but things are going according to prophectic plan. We gave up our rights for divine protection over 40 years ago, when we chose to ignore a atheist crackpot who was able to convince the courts to ignore "BacksLaws" constitutionally backed procedures and went with individual interpretations of the constitution. And WALA! no prayer in school. That was the beginning of the end for this country. She wasn't always perfect even before then. But our moral compass wasn't so way off that we couldn't distinguish right from wrong! This Senators Death (amongst so many others like it), signifies God's judgement on this country in that he's letting the wickedness in high places pretty much have their way. And no amount trying to vote for a candidate who puts the country and people first is going to help because the system has been corrupted to the point of no return. So my advice to all of you out there with no hope, is to accept that one who is the only hope in the person of Jesus Christ. because one would have to be a fool to keep his or her trust in this fallen world!
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for these people and against the principalities that run them. We don't realize that by praying for them we interfere with their "powers". When was the last time someone or some prayer warriors went into the streets and began to pray over the courthouses in the REAL name of Yahusha Messiah? We are seeing the results of a pagan nation falling further into hell because the churches and those who call themselves believers DON'T PRAY, DON'T READ THE WORD OF ELOHIM and DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THEIR OWN COMFORT....This nation was never a christian nation but then agains Messiah was NEVER a Christian either, he was of the order of Melchizedek and we are supposed to be living out that Royal Priesthood, in HIS footsteps and not a pastors or a ministers. He came to restore us to the FIRST covenant that was given at the mountain of Elohim. We sit in churches that tell us that Israel is a land when the bible says it is a NATION OF PEOPLE. We sit in churches that tell us the Jews are Elohim's chosen when NONE of the ancient scrolls have any such word in them. We are told that the Judah is Israel when the OT clearly says that the kingdom was 'rent' from Yahudah because of David's sin and the 10 tribes that have been scattered ARE ISRAEL. Yahudah is NOT THE JEWS, Jews do not worship Elohim and if they did they would not dare take his name OUT OF the name of THEIR TRIBE NAME HAS HIS NAME IN IT! We have believed every lie we were told because we have not sought out the truth for ourselves and believed the lies of men who distorted the truth in the first century, before America was even settled and the people here on this land were the ISRAELITES....The name of IOWA, IS YAHUAH and was settled by explorers that Solomon sent to find and mine copper and brass and gold to bring back to Israel...We have been duped by a people who are not even Shem's descendants and it says so in the OT who the children of Toghamar are and who Ashkenazi are too, yet we do not read the scriptures. 2 Kings 18 tells us who the Sephardic Jews are too! When we get back to serving YHWH the way he commanded us to in the first covenant Exodus 19-24, we will not see evil back away. Christianity is so pagan that it is no longer distinguishable from the world...
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy Schaefer for trying to do something about growing corrupted system.. We needed you hope there is someone like you willing to die for us..R.I.P.
ReplyDeleteFather we repent for our sins of every negative word thought and action we've said or done unspleasing to you and also repent for the sins of Nancy, her husband and Bill and ask that in their day of trouble even as their souls were leaving their bodies that they knew to call upon the name of the Lord and not be received into the gates of hell but only into the arms of Jesus. Father you know who is responsible to taking their lives and the lives of those they stood in the gap for helping fight against CPS. Surface the darkness to the light and the death of those who fought for justice in our corrupt establishments. I wanna thank you Lord for bringing up all those names of those murdered and reopening cases of those ruled as suicide and any other form of death other than the truth of them being murdered for exposing the truth. Reopen Nancy's case and also surface whatever film they had that would have been destroyed as evidence against CPS and those involved. we need your help quickly Father and Bless Trump to use the word's he's famous for "You're Fired" to get those around him out that are a danger and those put in prison that need to prosecuted for the murders, rapes and even eating of the children. Cover the children with our prayers, blind the eyes of their perpetrators and let the demons do them day and night until they repent and be turned every which way but loosed. God bless all the children and families in the midst of this, you said if we pray "lift them up you will even save one who is unclean. God help them and lift them up Jesus. we need you and may you answer us quickly Father in Christ's Jesus Name we pray Amen.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your write up on this , but let me ask . How might Free mason be involved in this .
ReplyDeleteGab "Wmfdraper"
I have posted this on gab and Twitter . My Twitter site being " Yahweh_is_Love "