“Do You Have A- R.A.T.T. As A
Neighbor Or In Your Family ?”
Do you know a R.A.T.T. ? Most likely
you do. Just who are these R.A.T.T.'s. And what the heck do they want
? The short but simple answer to those two vitally important
questions are; that they are not your friends, they are not your
allies, they are not wanting you to do anything but to choose in
either becoming just like them, or if not; to die. R.A.T.T.'s. may be
your neighbor, in your family, perhaps even a “friend” on
Facebook or on another other social media internet website. I'm
referring to R.A.T.T's, those are; “Recognizable,
Authenticated-Terrorist Threats.” The terminology of who R.A.T.T.'s
really are again is fairly self explanatory. That is to say that
people who voice opinion or violate in any form the US Constitution
and or Godly principles of this nation is in the short, or in
simplest of explanations, of what is a “Recognizable, Authenticated
Terrosristic Threat” are. They're bottom line desire is to force
you to drink their “kool-aid” and drag you down to hell with the
rest of the country or as I shared earlier; to die.

The Next question you might want to ask
is, how does one recognize a “R.A.T.T” “ Well, there are many
examples. The simplest way in which to identify a Recognizable,
Authenticated Terrorstic Threat is by listening to their own words,
and or in viewing who they follow and or believe in. See that “Elect
Obama” bumper sticker on that car ? Yep.... They're a R.A.T.T.(s)
How about those anti 2
nd Amendment folks ? Yepper, you bet
!- more R.A.T.T.'s. How about those cops who hand out speeding
tickets or protect those corrupt judges and lawyers-yep, more of the
same ! The USA is full of Recognizable, Authenticated Terroristic
Threats--- let's see, we else can add to the list ? Oh yes !... the
Feminists, the Jesus haters, Socialists, Communists, Democrats,
Liberals, the vast majority of politicians, lawyers, CPS workers,
Domestic Violence Program workers, The Southern Poverty Law Center,
ACLU also- the list goes on and on. Let's not forget our “friends”
in the “media” as well There are many, many more R.A.T.T.'s just
like them all across our land. Our American, and as a matter of fact,
at every level and in all three branches of government whether on the
Federal, State, county, or local level, there are many R.A.T.T.'s.
Let it be known, these folks have decided to “drink the kool-aid”
of evil or of “Obama”(same thing). Some may say I'm being a bit
harsh here in identifying R.A.T.T.'s, but the bottom line and sad
fact shows all of us that you cannot trust a people who hate God and
the US Constitution. Once again, it's their goal to permanently
remove you, exterminate you, kill you if you do not also drink their
potion of abomination as they have already done.
To many American's are lost in their
foolish pious religious or arrogant thinking to recognize how really
bad this nation has been infested with R.A.T.T.'s. These type of
people have given up not only every aspect of common sense but even
worse; sold their very souls to wicked men and women, just like
Obama, the Clinton's, Eric Holder and others. Like I said, to bad so
many are like them. I wish to warn everyone however, don't just blame
the so called “church and christians”...Recognizable,
Authenticated-Terroristic Threats come in every human size, every
race, both genders... both male and female alike and every political
view known made to mankind. Most likely, you cannot tell a
Recognizable, Authenticated Terrorist Threat simply by looking at her
or him, you need to see what and who they follow/or believe. What you
do need to know is that they will turn you over to the militant
R.A.T.Ts for punishment or to kill you the drop of a dime.

The Christian Bible is not only a great
guide in telling us how to deal with R.A.T.T.'s but as well
identifies for us in plain language that R.A.T.T.'s such as we see
today would appear at some point in history. I firmly believe with
all the evidence and facts of how we see human behaviour, we are at
that time. In fact, the Christian Bible comes with a warning us of
this very present moment that we are seeing the beginning of what
will only become worse...that in Luke 12:53, Jesus said that “the
father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the
father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the
mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the
daughter in law against her mother in law.” You see, even
R.A.T.T's are in families as I indicated earlier in my article here.
Jesus recognized that one-day, there would be “R.A.T.T's" that
would be involved in tearing apart families. It's not just judges and
lawyers splitting up families for cash and sport, no... so called
family members are doing it to their own flesh and blood as well. In
response to even our own family members, friends and the like
“ratting us out" for our faith, Jesus identified that some of us
who are not R.A.T.T's but true followers of Him, would be actually
captured and brought up before the evil R.A.T.T.'s and their
leaders. Quoting the Bible once again, our response at that time when
being dragged before these wicked men and women should be as what was
written in Mark 13:11...“But when they shall lead you, deliver you
up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye
premeditate; but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that
speak ye; for it it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.”
Indeed for those that are caught, you will be given some pretty
powerful words to speak at these evil R.A.T.T.'s I am quite confident
the words spoken will cut right to the heart of the R.A.T.T.'s so
that if the do not repent, God will leave them with no excuse for
their wickedness of following anyone or anything but God. Here take
note however, the people who are “Recognizable,
Authenticated-Terrorist Threats” are on the prowl, seeking even
today they can convert or kill. Be ready, you may be soon called up
before “courts” to answer for your faith in Christ and suffer for
it such as I and other Americans have already been forced to do.
Keeping the focus on the Good Book,
Let's remember a few things here... This is a command and we should
follow God's instructions to the “T” in it...just keep in mind
and realize this; that despite what the emergent church, cults and
nominal christians(note the small letter 'c') these days tell or
teach you, use of wisdom must be utilized when dealing with
R.A.T.T.'s. Jesus warned all of us in Matthew 7:6 when dealing with
the enemy... “ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither
cast your pearls before swine. Lest they trample them under their
feet, and turn again to tear you.” We can see much of that sort of
casting of “pearls before swine” these days when for example;
wicked people like Obama, the Clinton's and others give Muslims
Billions of dollars of so called “foreign aide.” Foolish and
reckless R.A.T.T.'s have little care for throwing pearls before
swine. This is so probably because those “pearls” have no
personal cost to them, or that their real desire is destroy
everything good and Godly anyway. For sure, we know that R.A.T.T's,
in any-case, have little desire to do anything beneficial for Godly
or doing anything moral anyway. They are are often self-centered
beings and quite opposite of what God calls “decent.” I can
personally attest to what I am writing here as true because after
returning from a visit in our nation's Capital approximately one
month ago, I can tell you all that once again, Washington DC is full
of Recognizable, Authenticated-Terroristic Threats. It is sad and
most unfortunate that most American's throughout our nation cannot
really see who these R.A.T.T's are. As a matter of fact, Most
American's still believe the lies that permeate the airwaves that
somehow, there somehow remains justice in our land, that the media
tells us the truth with facts on the nightly news broadcasts and that
our so called “elected representatives” vote in favor of what is
in all of our best interest. So a conclusion must be drawn here and
sadly stated, that most American's are R.A.T.T.'s themselves and may
not even realize it. Because of their willful ignorance, they have
become an enemy not only an enemy to themselves, but as well, the
enemy that God warns us about in the Bible.
No religion(The Biblical God has
nothing to do with religion) can save us from people who are
“Recognizable, Authenticated-Terrorist Threats.” Nor can any
government or political party or even single human being, can save us
either from these type of horrendous evil-doer such as R.A.T.T.'s.
The time is here, the time is now that the R.A.T.T.'s have arrived. A
special additional note regarding the thought process of these
R.A.T.T.'s; The so called “zombies” that the R.A.T.T.'s keep
talking about and paying money to police to kill in “mock emergency
response drills”, the reality and reflection of what R.A.T.T's
look like on the inside are in fact those “zombies.” Rather than
looking at themselves as who and what R.A.T.T.'s really are, these
“Recognizable, Authenticated-Terrorist Threats” are in reality
planning in using their police to kill all of us who follow Christ
and love America's Constitutional freedoms. The “zombie attack
drill” is their cover for their plans on how to kill all
non-conformists towards their evil agenda. If what I am saying here
was not true, why in February, 2013, did our American
Government(Department of Homeland Security) purchase 1.6 Billion
rounds of ammunition, 2,700 Armored Personnel Carries and 1000
machine guns for themselves ? Surely, the R.A.T.T.'s are on the move.
I do hope and pray you get and see my
point. R.A.T.T.'s are real...they are not only from foreign shores as
our own as our Recognizable, Authenticated-Terroristic Threat
Government agents tell us. They are not only from nations such as
Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, N. Korean, China and other nations that
they indicate... no, they are also home grown evilists that teach in
our schools, run our news agencies, run our government(s), and
according to our Constitution, have no place or business living in,
or being employed in our nation. I have warned all of you many times
before; if you do not immediately remove evil, even forcibly and
quickly, that evil left alone will fester... will only grow bigger
and grow worse. Which, leads me to ask you this vitally important
question; isn't it easier to remove a disease when it is first
appears rather then waiting until the disease has grown and a person
is on their death bed ? R.A.T.T.'s are everywhere in America right
now. The Christian Church and pulpit have failed exponentially in not
only identifying Recognizable, Authenticated-Terroristic Threats, but
removing them as well. The Recognizable, Authenticated-Terrorist
Threats themselves are multiplying like... well, yes... rats. This is
the time when the resolve of every American man, women and child will
be here-on-out challenged... even unto death. Men I specifically I
position this question to you; will you “grow a pair” and stand
up for what is right ? or will you fall by the way-side and become
just another Recognizable, Authenticated-Terrorist Threat like your
family member, or neighbor or someone else on your Facebook “friend”
list that already has their name etched on the walls of hell ?
As always, God of the Bible never
forces us to choose. So, choose wisely, yet very wisely my friend.
Rev. Paul Waldmiller~ Black Robe
Regiment Pastor