Boehner And All Traitors In Our
Government's Must Be Removed From Power
Boehner did it again! He stabbed the
American People in the back. He did this by recently supporting and
helping Barrack Hussein Obama pass the Department of Homeland
Security Budget without taking out the money to make legal, all the
illegal aliens here in the U.S. For years now, I've been warning
America that Congressman John Boehner is nothing but a no good,
lying, compromiser with the devil, and a flat-out liar. Of course I
have absolutely no control nor the influence over the voters in Ohio
that continue to put him back into office term after term. You would
think by now though that with all of John Boehner's turn coat actions of
violating the U.S. Constitution and the rights of the people in not
only of the State of Ohio, but also throughout the USA, folks here
would have had enough of this guy. Apparently not.
It's time for what's left of the good
and moral people of America, to rise up and get rid of Boehner and
all the other lackey's like him in Washington DC. We as a nation
cannot wait “two more years of Obama.” Let's be realistic here,
we aren't going to make it as a nation for two more years. No one, I
mean no one right now is trying hard enough to get rid of the
corruption that lies within Washington DC. I don't care what Trey
Gowdy, Ted Cruz and others there are telling you, those people are
just not getting the job done and besides, they have their own political aspirations, and they don't include dumping corruption from
our Government. Just so that you are aware, when I share with you the
word “Government”, I mean the corrupted courts, the “cops”,
the legislators, States and Local as well as Obama, they all got to go, and go they must !. Despite the
junk and Government propaganda that most of the media here churn's
out, most of what we are told is nothing but bologna and supportive of the corrupted people in Givernment we need to remove, and I don't
mean the sandwich kind of bologna either. I realize most of America
watches all that nonsense and the sad part is, most Americans also
believe a lot of that “B.S.” that is sold to them on the nightly
news and from the so called "media"as well. Sad but true, most Americans are forever lost. I
however,and a remnant of Americans are still capable in discerning truth
as well when it is spoken or shown to us and we are certainly willing to fight for our God given
rights and responsibilities here.
Liars employed by our Government's
beware, there is a small, but powerful enough minority of the U.S. Population that loves God of the Bible and loves America enough to do
something about the removal of those who are supposed to represent
us. So when you hear Mr. Obama who says “ban the bullets” and “I
have my pen and phone.” Um, no. No Mr Obama, No Mr Boehner, No Mr.
O'cconnel, No Mrs. Pelosi, No Mrs Jackson, we are going to stop you
and your protector's from destroying this nation any further. I pray
to God there is no civil war coming to this nation but the sad fact
is, it may very well need to come so that, and just like the first
American Civil War, rebellion to our Constitution may be removed. I'
along with some other good Americans are not looking for war. No we
are praying hard that many corrupted politicians, cops, lawyers, judges and Americans repent of their evil, but there always comes a point when good men and good women have
had enough of treason by members of our Legislatures,and the Executive and Judicial Branches. Literally, millions
of American men, women and children have had their lives destroyed because
of those greedy Legislators, Judges, and those in the Executive branches who
many are lawyers, and also who make evil laws or use “policy”
rather than law to purposely destroy families so as to make cash to
line their own pockets and send this country to Hell. Enough !
There is a movement rapidly growing
here in the USA called “The Citizen's Grand Jury Movement.”. I have written about this subject matter previously but the movement begs to be written about again( This
movement's aim is to bring back the U.S. Constitution and be fully enforced. I had recently met
some members of that movement and heard three members actually speak
before a panel of State Supreme Court Judges where “demands” were
made to these same judges and specific dates of compliance to these same Government Judges(including several Chief Judges) were also given. You want to see someone like a
judge or Government Official squirm ?, that's exactly what occurred when each of he judges did when they heard from members of the Citizen Grand Jury's spoke. And, that's exactly what evil does
when being confronted by a lawful body of United States Citizens who
under the guise of the Constitution, hold Citizen's Grand Jury
hearings and make public notice to the accused with their findings of
fact. Every County Sheriff within the United States is directed by
the US Constitution to enforce those Grand Jury decisions. Of course
most Sheriff's do not uphold those decisions, but rather follow their
paychecks, not the Constitution. It's all good because those Sheriffs will eventually all be confronted and Citizen's Arrests
made with them as well. It's coming.
This is no joke. I'm not making any of
what I have shared here in this article. Again, I witnessed several men who publically, self
identified themselves as members of a Citizens Grand Jury(in Lake
City Florida) who then also quoted the United States Constitution
making demands and a course of action to these judges. Clearly, this is what
needs to be done as well in Washington DC as well as in all across our
States. Obviously, good and and Godly Americans have grown weary of
the criminal activity in our Government's, media and elsewhere.
Americans are tired and have had enough of their lives destroyed
through the use of so called law enforcement officials who use their
badge to bully people around and wrongfully(illegally)help enable so
called Government Officials destroy our Constitutional and Godly
rights. Somewhere and at some point soon, I believe something is going
to break in this country because of all the evil and blatant sin that has been allowed by many Americans, and guess what ? "breaking" has already begun. The criminals here are already shooting at
police and in return, the police want us good and Godly Americans to
support law enforcement officials to help bring calm, "order" and "civility." Guess what?, law enforcement officials are not going to get our support until they begin supporting
the U.S. Constitution that they took an oath before All Mighty God to
protect and follow. Millions of Americans have purposely turned their backs on
cops because of the tyranny that they have allowed, and also look
away from when they see our Government representatives and court officials taking part in unlawful activities(in which there are
Citizen's Grand Jury's. Coming to a neighborhood near you. You ought to find out more and become a member
of your own local Citizen's Grand Jury Movement
The life or family you save, may be your very own !
Deuteronomy 20:12 “… If they refuse
to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe
Regiment Pastor
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(Every article, words, phrases that are
signed by, and or used by "Black Robe Regiment Pastor" and
or "Paul P. Waldmiller" herein are explicitly owned by this
the writer, unless quoted or link's attached that identify
differently. No use of this blog and or articles are allowed to be
copied or used without the writers explicit and written consent.)
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