Why Fox News Channel's Love Affair With
RINO's ?
Perhaps like many of you who are my
faithful readers, you are also regular viewers of the Fox News
Channel. As well possibly like you, I am keenly aware that the most
favorable appearance to Conservative values on all the television
networks is indeed the FNC. That being said, that doesn't mean the
Fox News Channel is at all giving mostly or a majority of it's news
coverage-attention to what in fact we Conservative and Biblical
Christians are looking for and or favor. Fox News is in my view, a
mediocre at best-information news channel. Put up against other cable
news networks such as MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and the others, there is
no doubt that Fox News beats them in every news category including
coverage of some topics that Conservative and Christians are
interested in. However as I shared, that does not mean FNC is good at
what they do. It only means that they beat out their competition(not
difficult to do) in reporting some information we(who want whole
truth)are seeking. That being said, in this week's article, I want to
post some questions and point out coupled with those questions, some
facts about the “Catholic Lawyer Channel” as I often refer to
Fox. In fact, I want to get to the nitty-gritty so to speak why they
are so adamant in appearing “Conservative” and “Christian”
but are in reality, anything but who they claim to be as “fair and
balanced” and sharing news stories(in truth) that interest us who
claim to be their viewer base.
God's Word is pretty clear when it
comes to not faking it and being “neither hot nor cold.” As one
watches Fox News Channel, anyone who knows Biblical Truth could never
come away feeling truly satisfied with their news reports. It appears
in many of their news reporting and so called commentator’s
comments, it is that you come away with an uneasiness, as though
those reporting news and opinion on FNC, are not telling you the
whole story and truth about what they just reported. If you are like
me, that's how I feel anyway. It is as if very segment they give to
the public, there is important information that is being withheld
from the viewer. In fact Fox News gives the impression that they
don't want to tell the whole truth on many of their news stories.
It's also as if they were being controlled by someone, somewhere, who
wants us only to have a skewed point of view wishing us all to be
happy with being only somewhat informed. and politically satisfied
with being “moderate.” You know what I mean, right ?, If not, I
also mean, “not too extreme.” That sort of attitude is also that
of the “RINO's”(Republican in name only). RINO's like FNC both
match perfectly with their political philosophy, that's easy to see
and read. If you were unaware, It is the practice of RINO's to have
an appearance of doing what is right, saying all the “right things”
but in the end, do the opposite of what they said they would do. Like
FNC, RINO's too will tell you partial truth and make you feel as
though you don't need to know more or that if you do ask questions,
or question their motives, they will just label you as “stupid”
for asking those questions or motives(just watch one program with
Bill O'Reilly and you will quickly see what I mean).
I remember when Glenn Beck was on Fox
News Channel not to many years ago. He had some of the highest
ratings from viewers who watched FNC. He had an excellent and
informative program that really got to whole truth. Although I do not
at all agree with his (Mormon) religious beliefs, Glenn did an
excellent job in reporting political and other facts. He was
dangerous though to the FNC narrative of “not appearing too
extreme.” Beck was exposing the Liberal's, the Democrats as well as
the RINO's within the Republican Party. He was indeed making Rupert
Murdoch, the owner of FNC(and other news corporations) nervous with
his deep investigative reporting techniques. If I were a betting
man(which I'm not) I bet, every time
Glenn Beck would mention the
wicked things George Soro's was doing, Murdoch would get a phone call
from Soros himself or one of his cronies expressing their
dissatisfaction with what Glenn Beck was reporting on-air.
Eventually, Murdoch got his way and dumped Glenn Beck and replaced
his program with a “fill-in” program called “The Five.”
That's all “The Five” was supposed to be, just a fill in until
someone more “moderate” and RINO loving could be found to replace
Beck. Sadly, folks started watching that stupid program and “The
Five” wasn't replaced at all and FNC continued to make more RINO
television “news” programs just like it, typical.
I know I'll get some hate mail for
repeating what many already know anyway, (I say all this in the
spirit of loving concern)but anyone who knows the least little bit
about religion, is also keenly aware that Roman Catholicism has been
“king of compromise” for over two centuries now since it's
inception. I don't want to turn this article into a “religious
debate” or offend my Catholic friends who view the Fox News
Channel, but it is a well known historical fact that the “Judaizers”
mentioned in the Bible is where Catholicism gained it's original
Catholicism and compromise with other religions and the Word of God
has not stopped with the sect of “the flesh.” Catholicism in
order to gain members brought the world “Easter”(Ishtar),
“Christmas”, Mary worship along with many, many other examples
of religious ideologies rooted from pagan beliefs. It is no surprise
then, that the FNC has(purposely pursued and) hired many Catholic
lawyers as “reporters” on the Fox News Channel. In fact it is not
at all unusual to hear these Catholic lawyers employed on the FNC
about their “catholic beliefs” and are indeed self admitted as
“strong Catholic's.” If these Catholic lawyers are already
indoctrinated to “compromise” truth because of their religious
beliefs, then they they certainly can also easily be manipulated to
compromise a personal belief system, including a political philosophy
accepting RINO's who also compromise truth and righteousness as the
norm as well. If anyone has any doubts about what I am sharing here,
go find out how many Bible believing, born-again Christians vs. the
number of Catholics you can identify willing to practice such evil's
as “Family Law”? I know God loves Catholic's as much as Bible
believing Christians or anyone else, but when you do not follow God's
(whole)Truth, you will find yourself compromising with the devil. The
religious in nature and those who are RINO's, are both(in
partnership)following the devil's devil's plan of compromise with
truth, not what God calls right and correct in reporting facts and
the whole truth.

I've been saying it for a very long
time, “You are what you allow.” Be careful who and what you allow
to rent space in your head, including Fox “News” Channel.
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe
Regiment Pastor
I agree 100% with this post, I'm a faithful watcher of Fox News and can attest to it making me angry at times with their hurt no feelings angles. Sometimes I wonder how they can see what they see when it's obviously a Progressive trap set for "igno-ranting conservative cronies" (Those Ranting Ignorance)
ReplyDeleteThe most telling fact in the continued appearance of Karl Rove as a Republican commentator. I get sick listening to his pompous bloviating, seldom stopped by O'Reilly et al. He and his ilk are the reason Republicans have failed in recent elections. The hold of "big money", working the system to their advantage, has caused destruction of the middle class and must be changed.
ReplyDeleteThe new guys coming out, any one of which would be fresh air for Conservatives, give hope that this has a chance of change, but they face the bulldozer of Rove's crowd to break through. This article correctly defines the problem. No more Bush, Christie, Romney... ENOUGH !!!