Apathy And Laziness, Contributors Of
Loss Of Your Freedom In America
Are you apathetic ? Have you lost all
or most concern for what is occurring in America and the world ? If
so, you're not alone. Sadly, there are many just like you. Your
action of inaction are among the biggest causes of allowing evil to
run a muck and current tyrannical condition of our nation. This
nation, and indeed the entire world as we know it, is deeply
fractured and has needed folks to step up to the plate so to speak
when it comes to getting our world back on track, but few are found
in getting involved nor helping. We can debate all day long about
root causes of apathy and laziness of many Americans but the bottom
line is, most Americans have become for a myriad of reasons useless
and a self-serving torpid people.
I do hope you enjoy “bottom line”
or “to the point” articles or speeches, because for the remaining
portion of this article, that is exactly what I'm going to give to
you. I realize that very few folks enjoy taking a real long and hard
look at themselves, but that's what needs to be done. Let's begin
here then shall we ?---This world has gone mad in so many ways, I
hardly know where to begin. I will however start by stating this;
there is no better place to get a nation's sanity back, then by each
individual examining themselves for fault and ridding one's self of
negative behaviour. I realize many Americans don't even realize what
the difference is any longer between right and wrong, but we need to
start somewhere right ? Let's face it, It's much easier to finger
point at others and tell them their fault then it is to focus on
“me”, but it is paramount that we start with ourselves. Opposite
of what you may view on crap TV, we need to own up and take
responsibility for our actions or inaction’s when it comes to being
involved with evil behaviour. Now, once we have come to that place
where we have messed up and realize it, where do we go from here?
Quite simple, Biblically and poignantly and assuming enough people in
America would come to that realization, I guess one could then ask
WWTFFD ? That is... “What would the Founding Fathers do ?” By
examining documents written and considering the level of intolerance
of evil by the majority of the American Founding Fathers, I'd say
that some sort of revolt is due(yesterday). Yep, I said “revolt.”
I don't care about the corrupt American Government getting upset
about me or anyone else saying such things. Does it bother you ? If
It does, Good ! Let me be quite clear... Your petitions, grievances,
marches are not being heard, nor noticed. In fact, many of your phone
calls, e-mail messages and the like are being laughed at and buried
by Republican as well as Democratic Party politicians and their
gatekeepers as well. Once again, referencing the American Founding
Fathers and “WWTFFD ?”, It was Thomas Jefferson who said;
the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the
government fears the people, there is liberty.”~ Thomas Jefferson
Now I'm not saying there should be
bloodshed in the streets, however I am saying that I'm not sure there
are enough jail cells that should already be filled with corrupted
politicians, lawyers, judges and law enforcement in our nation. There
is no doubt in my mind that at very, very least, our Founding Fathers
had they been alive today, would have gathered in small and as well,
very large groups armed with pitch forks and muskets going out to
drag those involved with corruption to either a jail cell, run out on
a rail, or hung them from a tree. What does your American History
Books tell you ?
To those that say “we are more
civilized now, we don't do things like that anymore” or “we can,
and or only need to pray for them” or in additional non-biblical
and or in equally ignorant terms say things like; “simply vote them
out” ...Oh boy ! when I hear things like that, I want to vomit.
There is only one thing worse than a Lying Liberal and that's a so
called “christian” with their head up their clouds who's blinded
by his or her own willful stupidity(I warned you this article was
going to be “to the point). I have written on many occasions in
many of my past articles, that answering evil with “only prayer”,
flopping around like a fish outta water on the church building floor,
or measuring a woman's skirt or hair length is NOT Biblical
Christianity and WON'T rid the world of wickedness, To many so called
“christians” with their “feel good and do nothing theology”
are the biggest problem to our world(yep, I'm blaming the biggest
problems of this nation on fake Christians). Perhaps they along with
their “prosperity gospel” pimping-preachers should be run out on
rails as well along with their equally iniquitous and corrupted
politician cohorts.
Our nation is overflowing with
corrupted government leaders, their gatekeeper's and law enforcement
employee's who are out to rob of us of everything we own, tell us
what we can and cannot eat, force us to eat their poisoned food,
breathe their poisoned air and steal our children's mind's as well as
their souls. In fact it's so bad in the USA, our own Government not
only steals our children, they also brain wash our children and turn
our own children against us. By now, if this nation was truly in a
right place with righteousness, every real God fearing-Christian
Church each week would have a “Help Wanted, Real Men Needed” sign
in the front door. Inside real Christian Churches, and again, every
Sunday, there would also be “sign-up” lists for men who would
volunteer to stand up for Godly principles and do whatever is
necessary to save their souls, their marriages, their families and
their nation. These men I write about are armed and ready to defend
our nation from the further onslaught of evil agents of death,
especially against those “government paid patriots” who peddle
the devil's wares of Socialism, Machoism, Feminism, Atheism and
rebellion against God's Word. I am reminded of how real Christian
Pastors and real men behaved once in this nation with the story of
Rev. Peter Muhlenberg during the American Revolutionary War....
January 21, 1776 in the Lutheran church in Woodstock,
is a season...";
after reading the eighth verse, "a time of
and a time of peace," he declared, "And this is the time of
removing his clerical robe to reveal his Colonel's uniform.
the church door the drums began to roll as men turned
kiss their wives and then walked down the aisle to enlist, and
half an hour, 162 men were enrolled.”
many “Christian pastors” do you know that would be willing to
take such a stand ? Better yet... How many pastors or men do you know
that are actually involved in taking back our nation right now ? I'm
not talking about “get out the vote” projects now. Come on ! I'm
talking about going out and getting in the faces of Congress
Members, legislators, Governors, Judges and the like. Is your pastor
or men you know(or yourself) taking on such tasks ? What ? you mean
to say you “don't attend a Biblical church” ? Oh I see, so you're
what they call a “Lone Ranger” huh? You're telling folks around
you including your own family your gonna keep stuffing your face with
food and beer, while watching that stupid sports program on your big
screen TV. Yep ! you're going to “let the world go to hell.” I
see, I have news for you Bubba, you're part of the problem, not part
of the solution. Get your butt into a local Bible believing church
make yourself accountable, throw out the profane words from your
vocabulary, throw in the trash your pornography(throw out the big
screen TV and computer if you have to), pour the alcohol down the
drain, and for your soul and family's sake ! Get down on your knees
O man everyday and pray with your family ! If you don't have a local
church to become accountable near you, then start one ! Enough
whining, sniveling and excuse giving.

sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of
men."~Abraham Lincoln
Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
Totally Awesome!!!! Thank you for speaking the truth!! I think Satan has blinded this country!!! No one wants to listen! No one wants to know the truth. I wish we had another hundred thousand like you...out there speaking the truth! Maybe then people would start to listen!