Eric Cantor Out, What Happens With
Amnesty For Illegal Aliens Now ?
Well, Eric Cantor-R(Virginia) is not
quite “out” as of yet. Primary Election 2014 thankfully sent a
seven term Congressman packing. He will however remain in office
technically until the end of this Congressional session that is,
through the end of December of this year. In the next 6 months,
realize this though, Cantor can and may very well still do a lot of
damage during what's left of his political term. Maybe you are not understanding what I am sharing about regarding Cantor's “damage” ? If indeed
you were unaware, Eric Cantor is not only the Republican Party
Majority Leader, he is also one of the major players along with
fellow Republican Leader John Boehner(House Speaker) in the move to
give amnesty to the over 12 Million Illegal Aliens here in the USA.
As the whole issue of giving any sort of legal status to the foreign
criminals who have purposely broke our Immigration Laws in coming
here to America has been mostly played out in the media(in favor of
amnesty for Illegal Immigrants) and by Illegal Immigrants and their
families pushing their weight around, with Cantor's removal, we now
all see and have all realized how “We The People” really feel
about giving any sort of legal staying status towards these Illegal
Immigrants. It is clear, kicking out Cantor was likened to a very
loud voice on Primary Election Night in Virginia. It sent a message
of opposition against what Cantor and his evil cohorts such as what
Boehner and others were trying to do in enabling these criminals to
achieve legal status here in America.
A little self-disclosure here, this
whole mess of allowing Illegal Aliens being here is a very personal
issue for me. Make no mistake about it though, I have a clear mind
and hold no prejudices against anyone who comes to America legally.
That said, my wife is a Legal Immigrant here in the USA. Her and I
filled out all the proper US Homeland Security Documents and as well
submitted all the financial payments made for her to enter the USA
legally. Like her, thousands of foreigners come here to America each
year legally and if their hearts are as my wife's, that is of a pure
motive to come here, I welcome all that have and will continue in
doing so. On the other hand, I am also a victim of a Foreign
Immigration Marriage Scammer still allowed living in Batavia, NY. She
stole my life, children and property as well continues to steal you
hard earned U.S. Tax Dollars. She was only allowed to get away with
her past and current crimes all because of already
corrupted U.S., New
York State Government and their judges, lawyers and others in and
around Genesee County, NY. allowed and allowing her to. Also be aware
of this, these political criminals much like Eric Cantor, (NYS Senator)Mike
Ranzenhofer, (NYS Assemblyman)Steve Hawley not only allowed my children, my house, and
all my property to be stolen and given to the Illegal Immigrant
Jennie Basal, they also were well aware and purposely covered-up the fact that Judges Robert Noonan,
Tracey Bannister, Attorneys Lawrence Friedman, Julie Falvey, Donna Haslinger, Lisa
Robinson, and Illegal Immigrant Jennie Basal all hired a City of Batavia, NY cop to
threaten to murder me when I exposed their illegal activities in
supporting the Illegal Immigrant Jennie Basal. Why ?, Why you may ask would a
woman or a man marry an American, then make false abuse
allegations(no proof, no evidence) against that American and judges,
lawyers, politicians and other support the Illegal Alien in his or
her crimes ? It's all about the “FREE” money as Jennie Basal
put's it... Federal Title IV and VAWA Grant monies to be exact. Yes,
America gives away lots of U.S. Tax Payer benefits to Illegal Aliens
each and every year as I shared earlier. Judges, lawyers, CPS
Agencies, Domestic Violence programs(who teach women how to make
false allegations) and others make Billions of US Dollars each and
every year through those who make false allegations of abuse
including these Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers who plague
America and America's Tax Payers and
Seeing there are all sorts of ways
Illegal Aliens scam the U.S. Taxpayers, it is quite obvious as well
that the majority of our US and State Government leaders such as with
Eric Cantor and John Boehner are very willing to give away to Illegal
Aliens our hard earned money away with much ease. It also appears
that the Billions and Billions of U.S Dollars wasted on Illegal
Aliens in the form of Medicaid, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance
Grants and more, are likened to these corrupted politicians and
others as to an endless and

Clearly, we as Americans must be more
involved in the removal of the likes of Eric Cantor, Judge Robert
Noonan, Judge Tracey Bannister, Attorney's Larry Friedman, Julie
Falvey, Donna Haslinger, Lisa Robinson and others who have power to
ruin further this nation because of their illegal and immoral support
of Illegal Aliens like Jennie Basal here in America. Whether voted in
to office or appointed, hired, whatever--- those that would allow
Illegal Immigrants to stay here in our nation are just as dangerous
to us and need to be removed from any sort of power and influence
also. Using the power of the vote I'm afraid is not enough to
terminate their evil influence. Someone once stated that “a best
defense is a great offense.” We true,
“We The People” need to push back and push back very hard in
return !

America needs as a whole to learn to
fight back against evil. Of course start with fighting against evil
in your own lives first, but very soon after go on to remove the
scourge that would take down this nation forever. Send home all
Illegal Immigrants. Let them do what all our Forefathers have
committed to in coming to America, that is, come here legally, learn
the language and work hard.
God help America and the American Tax
Payer... ""I am here today to deliver a clear message. Marriage and visa fraud potentially threaten the national security of the United States." - Special Agent Tom Depenbrock
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe
Regiment Pastor
Sorry you got trapped, Paul, but as you know, the Lord will see you through! As for the others, their time is coming!