Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Where Do Your Loyalties Lay ? Good Or Evil ?

Where Do Your Loyalties Lay ? Good Or Evil ?

The fact of life is, that everyone is loyal towards something and or someone. There's no doubt about that. You don't have to belong to a certain political party to believe that fact. A person's loyalty towards things and or people however in Western nation's, especially here in America are often skewed and misplaced on the most part. Folks in America in fact often mark their loyalties towards themselves as primary beneficiaries. In fact, I would even go so far as to say most Americans(not all, but the majority of) Americans are quite selfish in regards to  where and whom they place their loyalty towards things including their finances. Yes, yes, I know... I've heard it before... "American's give more to charities than any other people group around the world." That said and acknowledged, many Americans however only give  to simply make themselves feel better, not to bring about real positive change(I'm so blessed to have supporters of my ministry who are Not like that). The Biblical view of sacrificially giving(Mark 12:41-44) is definitely different than the view of most in the West. It is simply not in the heart of most Americans to sacrificially when they do give. So when many Americans open their wallets to give, but then because they rarely give to help others, moths fly out of their wallets and the birds awaken and sing “cheap, cheap, cheap” from the window of that particular giver(not really, but  you get the point). You see, the loyalty to self as the modus operandi of many Americans and Westerners often comes into play for most. Even when they do give, the motivating factor is primarily to have that self gratifying feeling.

Folks that live in what the Bible calls the “world” or “the flesh” almost always live a life pleasing unto themselves. Loyalty to others always comes at a price. That price you ask ? Well, to put it in it's simplest terms, I've heard people tell myself as well as others; “ If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. “ This phrase is a simple idiom. For my readers unfamiliar with Western cultures, Americans and Europeans when they quote this phrase are not literally scratching one another's backs. The meaning of this phrase is, that if you do me a favor, I'll do a favor for you also. In other words, It's telling someone that you will only help that person if they help you first. Gaining something tangible from a person is paramount before helping someone else in need. For some folks, telling someone “If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours” really sounds more like “Gimmie mine's first.” If a person is in true need and she/he asks for help, the person helping should state and  it should sound like, “how can I be of help?” or “how can I be a blessing to you ?” Very often in Western nations and Western cultures folks don't operate in the later form because their primary loyalty is not towards Jesus of the Bible, instead, it is focused on self gratification. For many who seem to be unaware,  communicating to someone that "I want to help you" is much different than saying "My time has value" or "My gift to you has a cost, just so you know."

Loyalty for the purpose of self preservation is important but for most who live in the West, life is much easier and has in many ways been made very comfortable as compared to most other nations especially in third-world nations. In America, we have access to more doctors, more medications, more help as compared also to many other nations and many of us can afford to have less stress regarding who and what we can and will be loyal to. Unfortunately, many Americans do not set their loyalties upon anything other than that of matters of self interests and ultimately, that turns into disaster not only for them, but for all of who remain as well. In fact, to be quite frank, because of so many ill placed loyalties of Americans, they have caused more stress for themselves because of it.  I'll give you some examples... Take Barrack Husein Obama, many blacks voted for him not because they thought he was a better candidate as compared to other choices for President of the USA, they will quite frankly and honestly will inform  you if you ask them, they voted for Obama “because he is Black.” Good reason to vote for a President ? um... no. Haven't Caucasians also done the same foolish thing in the past by not voting for Ambassador Alan Keyes to be the Republican Party Nominee for President ? Dr. Keyes is one of the most intelligent and able men to be President of the USA I have ever heard speak on issues in my life(I'm 53 years old) yet many Caucasians did not vote for him because he is an African-American. Loyalties to vote for or against someone simply because of their skin color is a ludicrous act and quite frankly, is also a self defeating act(for the entire nation) as well. But hey ! That's where many people put forth their loyalties especially here in America, it's self serving loyalty and we all suffer because of it.

Folks who don't do their homework and “vote down the (political)party line”, vote for friends or to make friends by voting/campaigning for someone, so that they can gain some sort of favor in the future, knowingly endorse someone or help someone who you know is evil minded, or has not the best interest at heart are all acts of evil. Folks have their loyalties misguided when they take part in such actions. Because people who partake in such activities as helping, voting for, endorsing someone who is opposed to good and moral values, is actually helping not only to heap curses upon our communities and nation, she/he is also helping to bring upon our nation closer to it's destructiveness end by violating God's(of the Bible) precepts. Loyalty to good and Godly people should be the primary objective for  everyone. To often, “self” gets in the way of getting our family's, children, communities, and nation the help and justice they desperately need. For those who live in the “West”, they need to readjust their misguided loyalties towards others and reset in the proper direction. This is especially true in the Bible believing Churches.

In fact, for Bible believing churches, many do not have their loyalties set to Jesus of the Bible as they should. As I see our brothers and sisters in Christ being murdered, raped, beheaded, burred alive(children also !!) in the Middle East, even their fellow Westerner's being abused by cops, lawyers, judges, Domestic Violence Programs,, Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers/Illegal Aliens, CPS agents and other like them, there isn't much movement in Western churches to become active in rescuing our brothers and sisters in crisis. Most of what I see in Western "churches" today are only “prayer.” Listen, you can pray all day long(I've said this a few thousand ties now !) but the Lord has called us to action as well ! Read James 2:17-20. I'm disgusted with most American and European “Christian” men right now. Many are “grapeless”, heartless cowards. I have over 4500 Facebook “friends” and I have asked several times now for especially Biblical men to go to the Middle East with  me and rescue these Christians from death. I
specifically also stated in my open request on Facebook, that if you do not want to be involved in rescuing Christians from being slaughtered, at least financially pay for our trip(those who are willing to rescue) and for our needs while over there. Answer's to my request from folks(“Christians”) ?? All I received was one Godly woman, willing to help pay something towards our trip. From “Godly men” ?? Nothing ! Only the sounds of crickets. Yep... that's where the loyalties of most "Christan" Americans are... more than sad, their lack of response to help others being raped, buried alive beheaded and murdered to me is nothing more than disgusting ! But hey, that's where loyalties lay of most Americans, “Christian” or not.

I highly suggest everyone who dares to call themselves “good”in whatever form or capacity they state that, whether Black, White, Latino, Asian, a cop, a judge, a lawyer, a pastor a Christian, a politician, a teacher, a Tea Party Member, a Democrat, a Republican, a Liberal, a Conservative, a Libertarian, whatever... all take a serious look at where their loyalties lay. Folks better start doing some re-evaluating of where they are putting their loyalties. God is going to call each of us to account and very soon at that. The bad is getting worse and the so called “good” in the Western world isn't anywhere near as “good” as what they are making themselves out to be. Time to put loyalties and their consequences of where those loyalties have led us up on trial. Can you be honest with yourself in this evaluation process of loyalties ? If not, you better get some honest help, and I do mean “honest help.”

The world is about one inch from tipping over because in part of misguided loyalties. Better get them laid out straight pronto !

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm Glad Gov. Rick Perry Was Indicted On Criminal Charges

I'm Glad Gov. Rick Perry Was Indicted On Criminal Charges

Why would I say such a statement against a man who is to me anyway, appears to be innocent of any wrong doing ? Well, if I had a chance to speak to Governor Rick Perry of Texas myself, I would tell him, “Governor, welcome to my world and the world of millions of other Americans abused by the legal and criminal justice system here in America.” Indeed, what I would tell him if I had that chance is true and many of you are already well acquainted with the fact that I was threatened to be murdered by a City of Batavia, NY cop via an Illegal Alien also living in Batavia, NY and the corrupted judges and lawyers, the Genesee County, NY District Attorney Lawrence Friedman and a few others along with her, all love to siphon your hard earned tax dollars for wrongful prosecution and who also willfully as well as purposely engage in Christian persecution throughout our once beloved nation.

Once again, as far as many Americans are concerned, “District Attorney's”, law enforcement, judges, lawyers, abusing their power, Governor Perry being abused by that “power” is certainly not unusual  throughout the USA. There have been many Americans who have been wrongly arrested, harassed, abused, beaten and killed by cops and their “bosses” the lawyers, judges and others like Child Protective Services, and Domestic Violence Programs that gives Billions of your hard earned dollars to what can only be described as criminal acts with full knowledge of Government agents. Governor Perry cut off funding to a District Attorney's Office in Texas where there was obvious corruption and hypocrisy as to where the law is applied and Mr. Perry got caught up in a corrupt District Attorney's politically motivated and retaliatory act. To me anyway, Governor Perry did the right thing by addressing the corruption in Travis County, Texas but the entire story as far as thousands of Texans are concerned,  what occurred there is "business as usual." All you have to do is ask Mr. Randy Kelton, from Cherokee County, Texas if Governor Perry is getting what he deserves. Thousands and thousands of Texans for many years have suffered under the corrupted hands of District Attorneys, judges, cops, CPS, Domestic Violence Program workers and others in Texas and Rick Perry has been very silent on the massive(Check out his radio program and you can hear the horror stories yourself
corruption and abuse of power of those corrupted Government Court officials there for years. Like I shared  earlier, If you don't believe me, just ask Randy Kelton himself... he will certainly tell you. Publicly at that !

Probably one of the best things that could help folks like you and me who have been violated via corrupted courts, is to have a major political figure such as Governor Perry who is also probably running for President of the United States in 2016, now to have what appears to have been falsely accused and indicted of a crime he did not commit. Calling a larger attention to how corrupted courts, cops, lawyers, CPS Agents, Domestic Violence Program workers, Foreign Immigration Marriage Scammers and others like them is very helpful. I call what the District Attorney of Travis County, Texas Rosemary Lehmberg has done to Rick Perry, nothing short of illegal and wrong. That said, the “story” so to speak about Governor Perry's Indictment for a Felony criminal act should not remain nor die with Rick Perry alone. I mean, Rick Perry is rich financially compared to most Americans. Not only can he afford to pay for some great attorney's to defend him in the criminal charges against him, but more than likely, unlike you and I, Gov. Perry will not be paying one penny for his attorneys. Nope, the Texas tax payers will be footing the bill for the lawyers to defend Mr. Perry. I have no money for attorneys to defend me, do you ? I was also falsely arrested by Genesee County, NY DA Lawrence Friedman in 2008 and by the grace of God alone, 6 judges(self recused) later and 5 courts later, the charges against me went to a pre-trial hearing and both charges(failure to pay child support and failure to obey a State Supreme Court Order) were both dismissed against me. Like many Americans bullied by corrupted court officials, the judge that pressed the issue of having me arrested, “Judge” Robert Noonan sent from his court to this criminal court where I was charged, an unmarked yellow envelope, without any identifying documents why, where from these documents were from. Judge Noonan(who also set my child support payment to 120% of my unemployment benefits) sent that envelope with documents trying to smear me so as to to manipulate the outcome of the charges against me but again, by the grace of God, the judge in my case while being recorded on court audio, revealed that letter sent from Judge Noonan and asked my court appointed attorney and the Assistant DA in the case what they knew about the envelope and it's documents as well as why it was sent ?. Of course, the Assistant DA played dumb and denied knowing anything. My point ? It's not about me either, but what occurred to Governor Perry and me happens all day long, to many, many Americans, every day !

I have mentioned more than several times now throughout this article in a hope to drive this message home--- "there are millions of Americans that have been 'screwed' like Governor Perry via corrupted District Attorneys and other court officials including cops." I am emboldened to declare that statement because I alone have met and or spoken with, been in communication with thousands of Americans “screwed” and have myself also  heard their stories much like my own. Stating as such, what is the answer to the dilemma of corruption in our Government ? It's the same answer I have been communicating through this weekly blog for over four years now... It is each of us that remain and have the need to accept Jesus of the Bible as our Lord and Saviour. Next and soon after, we all then need to remove unrepentant evil, especially those who hold power over us. It is sad that many Americans wallow in their pig poop complaining only or perhaps praying only, when God's Word plainly declares for His people to remove the unrepentant evil from among us all. The longer you wait to remove evil and as most of you can hopefully, plainly see, the larger and more powerful evil will grow. Use whatever force is necessary to remove unrepentant evil. Don't wait until the no-knock corrupt cops bust down your doors and either kill you, your family or put you in jail for some bogus
“criminal” charges. If you wait until those things happen, you will be to late... you will find like I and millions of other Americans you will lose everything to simply pay for the many corrupted also lawyers to defend you and or you will remain in jail for a false criminal charge for a very long time also. And jury a trial you ask? Ha ! You will have people who voted for Obama, twice on your jury to decide if you are guilty or not guilty. Are you really willing to take that chance ? It's not rocket science... unrepentant evil must be removed, period. Governor Perry, I hope you are awake to fact that you also have looked the other way from those who have plead from you justice but because you have ignored them, God is now dealing with you. "Repent or perish."~ Jesus.

Ezra 10:4 " Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act."

Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor