Should All White Folks Kill Themselves
Because Of 'White Privilege'
One of the most ludicrous questions
ever asked. It is in fact a question that is already being asked by
some. Just who are the “some” I am speaking of here ? Why, it's
the same and usual evil self-described “Liberals” of course. With
the increase of the “kill whitey” phrase and attitude popularized
during the 1960's by the Black Panther Group members and the many
Communists members and sympathizers on our college campuses, this
sick and evil attitude has almost reached it's pinnacle today. Not at
all disguised or hiding from it's real demonic agenda, the emergence
and popularity these days of so called “White Privilege” has
become the hot and popular politically correct perspective on and off
school campuses.
Corporations have also now picked-up on
the idea that “being white is bad.” Some companies are now
beginning to also teach this non-sense in their board and employee
meeting rooms. Both Caucasian managers and employee's are being
specifically told that they don't deserve what they have earned at
all, all because they have the “unfair advantage of being white.”
What crap ! Our entire society has been turned upside-down by those
who have the sole desire to destroy this once great and Godly nation
and turn it into a
wasteland of dope smokers and politically correct
nut-jobs where everyone is a victim and everything that the Bible
calls good, is really evil. Seriously, America is on a very fast
track to destroying itself because as Edmund Burke warned, “Evil
flourishes when good men do nothing.” How can any nation flourish
if the largest segment of society is telling itself that it is “evil”
simply because it has the wrong skin color ? Really, the ridiculous
notion that all Caucasian folks somehow have an unfair advantage
because of their skin color is such crap. For many years, even today,
I have seen many minorities given preference on civil service exams
and promotions simply because of their skin color. Wasn't and isn't
that unfair ? Wasn't their promotions and hiring based solely on
their skin pigmentation ? Of course it was. However, there was at
that time, in years past where minorities were discriminated against
and a wrong was attempted to be made right through correction.
However, as some of our courts are now realizing, for all races to be
treated equal, it actually means that no skin color gets a
preference, not white, not black, not brown, not red, yellow, green,
purple, whatever. Everyone is equal and worth the same when it comes
to skin color.
To be sure, know that this evil notion of “white privilege” is part of Obama's Communist and his race baiting friend's real agenda is for furthering “wealth distribution.” Race baiter's like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and others including Obama may be evil and demonic in their actions but they are not stupid. They have however purposely made race relations worse... Especially Obama is well informed enough that there are enough white folk in America that if he stated publicly at some point that “all Caucasian Americans need to commit suicide”, there would be many white-Americans that would actually kill themselves. I'm not kidding here, don't believe me ?? Then why are there so many Caucasians willing to teach and promote the wacko idea of “white privilege” ? Not enough evidence you say ? Alright then, look at the (mostly Caucasian)wacko environmentalists who state already that humans are dangerous to the world and would be best if we were all dead. Here, check this crap out... After reading and checking-out that web-site I just gave you, you need to ask yourself, what kind of severe mental health and or spiritual issues do people suffer from in order to teach and believe that you are privileged simply because of your skin color and that “you are bad” or “don't deserve what you worked for because you are white”? These nut cases know full well that there is no empirical evidence, nor fact to support the propaganda that they spread. Everything that is good about America is disappearing because many American's allow the psycho's to run the asylum so-to-speak including the psychotic people who spread the lies of “white privilege.” It's bad enough that there are some very sick non-Caucasians teaching this demonic stuff, but not surprisingly(not to me any way, look at how many white folks voted for Obama, not just once but twice !) there are plenty of white skin colored people willing to teach self-loathing as well, Insanity !
If you see or hear this evil known as
“white privilege”, it is your duty not only to expose it, it is
also your duty to remove it, Now !
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe
Regiment Pastor
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