Just say NO to Islam and a Muslim Mosque at 911 "Ground Zero"
As Americans share thoughts and feelings about a Muslim Mosque proposed to being built at 911 "Ground Zero", Every American Citizen-everywhere, should remember that irregardless of a loud voice of some Secular Humanists and Muslims, America was founded as a Christian Nation. America was founded for and by a vast majority or Biblical Christians. Other than some minor doctrines, all American Founding Fathers believed in Jesus Christ and living in and as well; applying Christian Biblical Principles in their own personal lives as well as formulating and instituting into the US Constitution and laws. We cannot get away from the absolute historical proof that America was founded as a Christian Nation. I believe there are many who have become Atheists in America or even those who are Muslims that wish to make America into something other than what America was founded but it cannot change history. Fact is fact.
Anyone who has read their Bible knows of the curses that are brought upon a nation for rejecting Biblical Truth. The American Forefathers understood the Biblical precept of Godly curses and blessings. Fortunately for Americans in the past, leaders were not so selfish and (as we see today),self centered in designing of our Government at that time. The American Forefathers prayed(yes, that's correct), they prayed looking for divine inspiration from The Lord Himself on how to design and implement a government "By the People, For the People." Christianity was the design of the American Government and is Biblical Christianity in the American Government in every are is lacking today. Bottom line, if we allow continued influence of Biblical Christianity, by God's own Word and design, America will cease to exist.
Some have called upon President Obama to reveal his true "religion." He claimed in the past to be a "Christian." The Bible declares "Ye shall know them by their fruit"(Mathew 7:16). The "fruit thus far of President Obama is that he is indeed a Muslim, and not a Christian as he has stated. President Obama has recently endorsed the idea of a Muslim Mosque at "911 Ground Zero" in New York City. This in itself should indicate the Biblical "fruit" of who President Obama really is and whom he belongs to. One can easily see that Mr. Obama is anything but a Christian.
To allow this Muslim Mosque in "911 Ground Zero" to be established would be an insult to our American Forefathers as well as to the American people. Why in the name of heaven and earth would "We The People" allow those who hate America, who wish to murder all American People, who wish to convert America into something our Founding Forefathers did not design; build any mosque what so ever anywhere in America? It makes no sense. Would we give a burglar invading our home a knife or gun to help them hold us at bay while they rob us and our home ? Of Course Not !!! Stating this analogy of the robber and the home owner, why would we allow a people group that hate us establish a base to recruit more haters who want to kill us all off? Makes no (Biblical)sense !
We have a warning from one of our American Founding Father's that speaks to us; "We The People regarding unfortunately, what the American people have allowed. It is high time we change things and do so quickly. If not, we may be in a fight for our very existence. Read on to that of what Samuel Johnston spoke... "It is apprehended that Jews, Mahemotans(Muslims), Pagans, etc., may be elected to high offices under the government of thee United States. Those who are Mahemotans or any others who are not Christian Professors of the Christian Religion, can never be elected to the Office of President or other high office, (unless) first the people of America lay aside the Christian religion altogether, it may happen. If this should unfortunately take place, the people will choose such men as think as do themselves." Source: (Elliotts Debates, Vol. IV pp. 198-199 Governor Samuel Johnston, July 30, 1788 at the North Carolina Ratifying Convention)
Do "We The People" think of ourselves as Muslims ???
Black Robe Regiment Pastor
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Why I am angry and fighting for MY America.......
My name is Pastor Paul Waldmiller. I am a real Pastor with a real church. My church though is not in the USA as is my home land but in the Philippines. I am truly an exiled American Patriot as I was threatened to be murdered by the City Of Batavia, NY Police after fighting in court(legally) against an illegal alien(Filipina Migration Scammer) in Genesee County, NY. This illegal alien was unjustifiably given my children, my house(home), all property, both marital and personal, minus an old beat up van with 200,000 miles on it. While visiting the Philippines in November 2009 to check on my 2 poor children's feeding programs and to be wed to my sweetheart; Pastora Jorlyn, My American Embassy here in the Philippines confiscated my passport. I explained to the American Female working at the US Embassy that I was a victim of a Filipina Migration Scam and the threats of murder by the police. She cared not. In a Nazi like style she offered me a one way visa back to the USA only so I could never return to the Philippines and most likely be murdered by police in America.
This all brings me to be here in the Philippines far and forcibly removed(the courts said I could not be with my children because I was a "Christian) from my children. Admittedly, I knew in the beginning of all this mess not what to do but as I watched TV and read news of my United States Of America disintegrate before me and now to nearly collapse in every way including socially, morally, economically and spiritually, My soul rose in anger to a point that I knew that I must do something. America has gone on a bad road, a road of destruction led mostly by bad, immoral and liberal thinkers who actually by their behavior they hate America and everything good about it. It wasn't good enough to remove God from every area and fabric of our society, they want to destroy America. Law used to rule most of my America and now rouge, corrupt and immoral politicians, lawyers, judges, psychologists, cops, social workers, psychiatrists, domestic violence workers, teachers and others are ruining our nation by allowing ungodly and immoral things to happen to many Americans. "This is not just about me" I remember saying to myself, this is MY America this is happening to.
There comes a point in every person's life where they must decide what is most important in. My children and grand children's lives are in danger. My America is about to collapse folks. I have made a decision and I hope you also recognize that we need to first Repent to God through Jesus Christ to repent for allowing our nation to get to this point. Next... Stand Up ! and get ready to fight because a fight is coming like we've never seen before. It is time, time to take our nation back from crooked, immoral people who care only for their hatred of America and turning us over to Satan himself.
Are you ready ????
This all brings me to be here in the Philippines far and forcibly removed(the courts said I could not be with my children because I was a "Christian) from my children. Admittedly, I knew in the beginning of all this mess not what to do but as I watched TV and read news of my United States Of America disintegrate before me and now to nearly collapse in every way including socially, morally, economically and spiritually, My soul rose in anger to a point that I knew that I must do something. America has gone on a bad road, a road of destruction led mostly by bad, immoral and liberal thinkers who actually by their behavior they hate America and everything good about it. It wasn't good enough to remove God from every area and fabric of our society, they want to destroy America. Law used to rule most of my America and now rouge, corrupt and immoral politicians, lawyers, judges, psychologists, cops, social workers, psychiatrists, domestic violence workers, teachers and others are ruining our nation by allowing ungodly and immoral things to happen to many Americans. "This is not just about me" I remember saying to myself, this is MY America this is happening to.
There comes a point in every person's life where they must decide what is most important in. My children and grand children's lives are in danger. My America is about to collapse folks. I have made a decision and I hope you also recognize that we need to first Repent to God through Jesus Christ to repent for allowing our nation to get to this point. Next... Stand Up ! and get ready to fight because a fight is coming like we've never seen before. It is time, time to take our nation back from crooked, immoral people who care only for their hatred of America and turning us over to Satan himself.
Are you ready ????